
Nov 28, 2008 09:33

So, we had a wonderful holiday yesterday... it was pleasantly drama-free, and there was lots of good food that I did not have to cook! We got up late, due to Jeff being paged numerous times the night before for work, and therefore got a late start on the apple pie. Apple pie is Jeff's specialty, and I normally let him do all of it. Since there was a bit of a time crunch, I consented to helping peel and slice apples. (I am such a good wife!)

Then we threw a bunch of gourmet cheeses, a box of crackers, some celery, and peanut butter and neufchatel cheese in a bag, and took our collection over to Jeff's mom's place in Oakland. She did all of the cooking this year, and it was great! She has motivated me to make my own stuffing next time, instead of relying on a box. (I'm all for making things from scratch, but for some reason was holding out on the stuffing.)

We ate, I fell asleep on the couch, then we came home, where I fell asleep on the couch a couple of times.

Then we went to bed. :P

Today we're going to walk up to the library, and probably have some lunch out while we're up there. I think that's about the extent of our activities out today - I'm not a big fan of Black Friday shopping as I a) hate crowds and b) hate crowds and c) hate crowds. I'm sure we'll have Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner, as my mom in law gave us tons of it! I'm looking forward to it.

Tomorrow, I have to start my day out on an annoying note by going to a driver's licensing center to renew my photo license. I'd prefer not to have to deal with it, but it did expire over a month ago, and I don't imagine the police would be too inclined towards mercy if I get pulled over. I'm hoping that by showing up as soon as the doors open, I can avoid the crowd and therefore the wait... because later that morning I'm going with friends on YARN CRAWL 2008, which means that we will hit several yarn stores that none of us have ever been to, with the help of the driver's GPS system! I think Sarris chocolate will be involved too, as well as Sonic. Mmmm, cherry limeade. I'm looking forward to it!

Don't ask me how my diet is going. I prefer to not answer that.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
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