Nov 13, 2004 01:15
We went to see After The Sunset (or it might have been titled "After Sunset") with Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayak and Woody Harrelson. It was very good! It had some gorgeous scenery, big diamonds(lol) and some very funny scenes as well. I didn't expect it to be so funny.
I'm on a hunt right now to find the movie "Beyond Borders" starring Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen. I liked it a lot, but I haven't found it at Walmart or Target here in town and they don't have it for rent at Hollywood Video where I rent at. I think I may have to order it online if I want it.
Well, I'm off to bed...I was waiting for my medicine to kick in...I've been having pretty bad headaches for the past two nights, so I think I'm calling my doctor on Monday to see about getting a CT scan done to make sure there is nothing going on out of the ordinary in my brain. Ha jokes about my brain functions....LMAO!
Everyone have a good weekend.