1, 2, 3, 4, get the damn bill on the floor...

Jun 22, 2011 12:33

Dear lj --

If you are reading this and you have any connection to New York state, through your family of origin or you lived there recently or anything (*double points if it's in a typically conservative area, triple for Long Island!), take 5 seconds to do the human race a solid and call the Republican majority leader of the NY state senate, Senator Skelos, at (518)455-3171 to ask him -- sweetly, of course -- to PLEASE bring the same-sex marriage bill to the floor for a vote before the senate session ends (most likely today or tomorrow). Time is running out and the anti's are trying to stall. The supporters are now just asking that it COME to a vote, and the anti's are trying to block it from being brought to a vote, indicating that all are pretty sure if it comes to a vote it'll pass. I got right through on this number, talked to a real person who took my name and my zip code -- though she also made it clear that it was totally optional for me to leave that info. So actually, no matter WHO you are or where you live, JUST CALL to ask him to bring it to a vote. Thanks in advance!!
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