Disclaimer: this post isn't me writing again. The title is more of a, 'don't know what I should type, but I feel like I should check-in somehow, so here's my stream of consciousness' sort of thing.
It's weird.
Like... I'm so tired at this point... and this is just week two, day two, of the first time I've had 2 consecutive weeks of tYGG. I don't know why, but I really thought it wouldn't be this difficult. Not that it's...'difficult' exactly. While I'm running, things are pretty normal. Nothing's even hitting a snag (yet). It's just that afterward... I don't know. Maybe it's because I tend to peak in late afternoon/early evening, and doing something like D&D with kids saps everything so early on... Thursdays are the absolute worst, because I run for the kids, get maybe an hour and a half to recoup, and then have to run for the one-shots -_-'
This week is the food wars - Savoi nation (cheesy nation). I have 3 kids (2 of which I knew from last week) and 2 adults playing with their kid. I'll call them by their character names. Fairy Bread and Ganandorf are from last week. They were new to D&D last week, and had enough fun to want to come again. New kid is Brain (that's what he named his druid), and new kids parents are Gnaogash and Stabitha (also, naming a halfling rogue Stabitha is fantastic, and I'm ashamed that I didn't think of it sooner).
Yesterday, they took over the veggie town of Acrido, killing many mushroom dinosaurs and radish people. Today is the swamp that Dr. Avacato lives in....we'll see how this goes.
Tuesdays are always better. I mean, Wednesdays are the best, but that's because I'm off. On Monday, I have to take whatever I've planned and adapt it to what's going on and make each player get their role and how they want to play established. So, on Mondays, the session is from 12 - 3, and I work till 4. Typically, Dan goes to get lunch after I wrap things up and that leaves me very little time to accomplish anything before I have to clock out. On Tuesday though, I go in knowing (kinda) what the players are gonna be like, and that makes things a little easier. I also work till 7, which means I have time to put myself on auto-pilot, process cards and decompress before having a day off.
Thursdays are the worst, as I've said. Coming back from that day off, escalating the tension so that the next day feels more important, filling the time...and then at 3 it ends. I get a lunch, and people start showing up after 4 for the 5:45 one shots. Friday is the last day... it's usually a lot easier. This is the last day of the campaign. We're gonna be letting this go soon. There will be some resolution, even if it isn't the resolution they want.
Saturdays is Commander, and then Sunday is the day to wrap up any chores I may have missed over the week.
There's a lot of other things that I could talk about, but ... I think I'm gonna make some drafts that have the titles of those topics, and talk about them another time.
This ...this was probably good. I mean... The whole, type to see where this goes idea. I always forget all the things I want to talk about, and then think it isn't worth it to try and gather those thoughts. I bet if I put the titles of things I do want to talk about, then I can just remember what they are and let myself go that way.... it's weird to need permission from myself to post things to my journal...but that's something else I could talk about another time.
Anyway. Almost time for me to clock in. Later.