
Oct 30, 2010 14:07

You know what I think I’ve decided? I have too many things -..- Like, I can totally justify music, movies, and usable things, but there are some things that I love and don’t need. I’ve been wanting an iPhone for ages, and when the iPhone 4 came out I really began to fixate on it. And , yes, I need a new cell, and yes, it would be extremely useful because it’s so much more than a phone… but really, it’s just much too expensive. And Apple will probably come out with the iPhone5 in a year, followed by 6 and 7 and so on and so forth. And I’ll rage over it and get really frustrated (not too unlike my episode with iLife11). So from now on, unless it’s something versatile and useful, no more statues, or figurines or jewelry. I mean, I have 15 wish lists full of stuff I’d like because it’s unique or special, but if it’s not in some way useful or enjoyable, I shouldn’t be getting it. The whole iPhone thing really made me see how laden down I am with the want for all this stuff and how it’s not helping! I have these southern belle statutes, and these painted ponies and a bunch of others, and all they do…is gather dust. Now, the little mushrooms I bought, they are decorative and very inexpensive, and not harming anything so that’s an exception. But so much of this stuff costs an arm and a leg, and I literally cannot condone it anymore. And any friends that I have that still buy me stuff for my birthday, I know everyone says it’s not ‘personal’ but I love gift certificates. J!NX, iTunes, Amazon and Wal-Mart (or Target or GameStop or whatever) those are awesome places that I’m always going to and I wish I had more money to get stuff there.


This momentary freak out brought to you by Jim Henson (because if he never would’ve done that Junkyard lady in Labyrinth, I wouldn’t have had something to avoid).

I’m sorry if this came off as ‘ranty’ but I hate materialism, and I realize this notion I have that stuff=happiness is just wrong. And I don’t really think that stuff=happiness, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting stuff. And you’re never going to stop wanting stuff, but you can’t expect to be more content if what you’re wanting is all useless…. not that I don’t enjoy my useless stuff, but …well, in the long run it’s just stuff =..=‘ At least you get enjoyment out of music and movies, and clothes are always useful. So, from now on Usefulness has be be a factor…it can’t just depend on how much I want it…. so… uh… Useful > Want….I’ve been spending too much time in algebra =..=

In other news, the church/youth Bonfire is tomorrow night, so I’ve been cleaning my house today. It kinda sucks because I was hoping to really get my paper for English Comp all together….but it’s becoming really hard for me to focus with all this stuff to do. I’ve been cleaning and all, and I’ve still gotta go and clean the church…and there’s that wonderful sociology test to study for Monday =..= Conditions are just not as ideal as I’d like…then again, when are they ever. I’ve got all my research lined up at least. I just need to throw it all together.

Did I tell everyone that my camcorder is dying? Yeah… It is. So, my vlog posts have been few and far between. I have my laptop camera, but it’s not quite as good so…I’m hesitant. Still, I’ll be posting more as soon as these stupid tests and papers are out of the way. I just wish my camera would’ve waited till after I go visit Reiko to break down.

I think that’s all for now…or at least as much as I want to write (I need to leave other stuff out so’s I’ve got something to vlog about :). I’ll type later, Sunshines.

You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.

You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.

You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.

How Do You Judge People?

Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings! 

church, nak, college, electronics, shopping, youth, english comp 1, rant

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