Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 11:20 @ strixus The History through 20 Objects sounds more interesting though, my favorite's Lord of the Clans. Oh wait...that's not... nevermind. #
- 13:29 @ Umamor1 O..O your family certainly has strange ways of expressing affection... #
- 13:59 Listening to old Lorekeeper eps while hanging about in Skype :) #
- 14:03 My laptop seems to be permanently down, and until I've paid for tuition and books, it won't be fixed... #thatsaproblem #
- 14:06 #itsbeenawhilesince Someone referred to the Twilight Cult and I thought of anything other than rabid teenage girls o..o #
- 14:51 After @Pride1G's wonderful explanation, I think I'll go and sharpen my swords. #
- 14:54 Ohhh a call from Reiko! :D #
- 14:55 o..o apparently she and her hubby have gotten into Magic the Gathering, and they're both addicted.... #
- 15:15 @ Pride1G It ever occur to you that we do that on purpose just to get under your skin? ^..^ #
- 15:17 @ Umamor1 Oh, I don't like to see people upset either...but I do like joking around. #
- 15:33 @ Umamor1 o..o What in the name of Zeus's beard... #
- 15:38 @ Umamor1 oh for the love of ... -..- #
- 15:43 @ Umamor1 aou-aou-aaaaoooooooooo! #
- 15:48 @ Umamor1 Wild stray cat, you're a real gone guy. #
- 15:53 @ Umamor1 :3 But I got cat class, and I got cat style. #
- 16:08 Why, oh why would anyone put sugar in their spaghetti? Or mashed potatoes...or green beans... why! >..< #
- 16:41 ...a phantom keeps knocking on my door o..o' #
- 16:52 @ mr_nnj ...snake charmer -..- but Mom's home made spaghetti was never sweet. #
- 18:09 Oh Lord. Mom made beef stew with rice... Such. Good. Food. #
I text way too much, yo :D
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