Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 16:03 What's your favorite restaurant? - Currently it's a toss up between the Sushi House and Shogun in Branson. But srs… 4ms.me/acLZJb #
- 16:05 What did you dream about last night? - I dreamed that I was in a forest and various strange monsters and critters … 4ms.me/c8vewB #
- 16:06 @ Umamor1 ...because...that's where happy cows come from? :3 #
- 19:15 So, Khrissa was the only one who showed up for service tonight. The guys were all MIA. Don't know whether I'm pleased with that or not. #
- 19:15 @ rei2rei NEW YORK CITY!? ... <..< get a rope. :D I used to love those commercials! #
- 20:51 Oh God >..< I need to step away from Makoto... and find some food. #
- 21:12 Holy cow... I recently discovered the Mars bar, and I think I'm adicted -..- #
I text way too much, yo :D
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