Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 01:06 Not claiming responsibility for the boys -..-''' -- July 4, 2010, Part 1 of 3: youtu.be/JexMvDNgL_A #
- 11:08 ...I suddenly wish I could watch 16 Candles ...but I dont have it -..- #
- 11:46 Well said and well quoted :) @Davlenagain 'Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked.' ~Oliver W. Holmes, Sr. #
- 11:47 @ Umamor1 o..o #
- 12:08 This is good news! :D RT: @Snapplemonkey Looks like Mike Morhaime caved tinyurl.com/3y5kdoq #
- 12:53 Ok, it's time to change the color on my toes. #
- 13:19 Trying to upload part 2 again. #
- 15:10 Still uploading. 40% done so far, with an estimated 170 min left -..- #
- 15:12 @ Umamor1 Oh, good. Something new on chanel Uma :) #
- 17:42 @ Umamor1 :) oh, that's ok, Darling. We're all mad here. #
- 19:25 Another upload fail...sigh... #
- 19:25 ...for some weird reason, every time I think or say 'sigh' I feel the compulsion to say 'duck' right afterwards... #
- 19:28 @ Umamor1 It's just another side affect of my terrible internet :| #
- 19:33 @ Umamor1 Apparently. I mean, we have service, but it's the only one of its kind =..= #
- 20:35 omg! Camera, camera, camera! #
- 20:49 We've been having a lot of rain over the past few days, and I love the rain. But when it's... dailybooth.com/u/3o7cd #
- 20:59 Oh. BandSlam... #ThankYouNetflix #
- 22:23 omg, I love this movie...I love it like I'd love a Molly Ringwald 80's flick o..o' #
- 22:23 Yet another soundtrack I have to have. Plus David Bowie has a cameo in this and they reference Evil Dead 2 and...and..it's just awesome! :D #
I text way too much, yo :D
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