Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 14:49 Trying very hard to get my living room and kitchen in order =..= been at it a while, but I have to take a lot of breaks 'cuz I get so dizzy. #
- 15:39 Dear Room,
Please stop moving while I'm trying to sit still.
Much <3
MM # - 15:58 This, believe it or not, is a hydrangea...in the first stages of bloom :) Only some of the buds have opened... dailybooth.com/u/3drf0 #
- 16:12 Q:So If I guy liked you, you'd want it to be straight fo... A:....yes.... Unfortunately most people seem to think of... 4ms.me/bXBytS #
- 18:17 @ Davlenagain ...I prefer Beignets :) #
- 19:02 @ Umamor1 o..o hope you have some aloe vera... #
- 19:44 Among others @ZodiacFacts #Libra Women Turn-Offs: Arrogance, arguments as entertainment, poverty, dumb-dumb jokes (think belching beer mugs) #
- 19:46 Whoa....o..o house rattling thunder... God, but I love it :3 #
- 20:12 Ok, the weather has gotten so bad, I'm turning everything off. #
- 21:19 Listening to @EssenceofRP with @mr_nnj and @Pride1G.....WHAT?! :D #
- 22:06 lmao!! X3 #
- 22:07 omg!...@Pride1G's ears bleeding because of @mr_nnj singing! I...can't...breathe! XD #
- 22:16 @ rattgirl omg! you do :D #
I text way too much, yo :D
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