Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 11:47 These flowers were growing along the side of the road, and Mom and I literally stopped and pulled over to... dailybooth.com/u/396kg #
- 14:39 Just finished filming the most grueling PSA I've ever put myself through. I take consolation in knowing having it out will help me at least. #
- 14:40 =..= now it's time to edit...yay... #
- 15:39 Ugh... I haven't eaten since breakfast >..< need to stop and fix foods now. #
- 15:41 Oh! I think the tomatoe from the garden is finally ripe! Finally, something other than meat on a sandwich! #
- 15:50 omg...a single slice of tomatoe, and this sandwich taste worlds better. #
- 17:49 Just finished posting a long and torturous journal entry =..= I really hope that getting all of this out will help. #
- 19:14 Q:Why is my vanilla ice cream yellow and my banana ice c... A:o..o whoa, srsly? I've never had that happen. I'd advi... 4ms.me/aVfOqM #
I text way too much, yo :D
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