Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 10:35 My left arm has been hurting...like the joint of my elbow and shoulder... so Mom gave me some...Theragesic? And now it's on fire o..o #
- 11:34 Q:If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead o... A:I'd probably want to go with Reiko, because she's an a... 4ms.me/bpd4pa #
- 15:05 Working on editing the Mecha Con IV videos :)... and... watching Red Vs. Blue...it takes forever for this software to do anything -..-' #
- 17:13 Huh. It appears we're going to Mrs. Karen's tonight. #
- 17:17 It'll be a good break for my eyes >..< #
- 17:26 And we're off. #
- 18:48 At Mrs. Karen's, being forcibly hugged by Josh -..- #
- 21:17 Home at last :) shower time. #
I text way too much, yo :D
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