Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 10:50 I buy blank cards for Christmas and such, so I have stamps that I like to decorate the inside :) I'd... dailybooth.com/u/2ynkh #
- 11:14 Oh yeah, btw. New Video up on YouTube. It's not much, but it took forever to upload -..- ~ 20 My Bain youtu.be/Wu_UzSOsOOY #
- 11:23 Hm...Deviant Art looks a different ....it's nice :) #
- 14:18 le sigh...I guess it's just not a day in IRC unless I get kicked for something ridiculous -..-' #
- 14:18 oh well...I need food... I'm gonna cry into some corn dogs... #
- 14:22 hm....at least the stream isn't skipping anymore...I can hear @Kexman really clearly now :) #
- 14:24 ...too bad it was just for the last 5 minutes of the show =..= Dang internet... #
- 17:55 Snapping a picture before I head off to church tonight =..= #
- 17:56 Yeah...some people say it's a problem, but...I just don't see it :) Anyone else hoarding stuff... dailybooth.com/u/2yuq6 #
- 18:03 @ Kexman ..No. No! I am going to church tonight. I'm not staying in to listen to guys talking on the computer. Church! Yes..Going to church. #
- 18:06 OK, before I leave, I just have to say.... OMGWTFBBQ!! >..< : dailybooth.com/MissDeas/4984140#c15756873 #
- 18:08 @ Pride1G Bite your tongue, heathen <..< #
- 18:14 @ Davlenagain Yes, daddy...... I didn't mean to call you 'daddy' o..o' #
- 19:00 At church. BBS...I hope. #
- 20:23 Finally home. #
- 20:25 Aaand starting season 2 of Avatar :) #ThankYouNetflix #
I text way too much, yo :D
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