Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 23:46 Been trying to upload all day and still nothing =..= Computer's going crazy too, and since R&D is over, I'm just gonna go shower... #
- 23:49 @ ShinnodaDude <..< Abstract Polygon. #
- 00:50 I uploaded a YouTube video -- 17 Watch for Flying Rocks youtu.be/9TbILLfa3UM?a #
- 10:11 In Branson with Mom. We just dropped Dad off :( #
- 12:04 On our way home. #
- 12:42 Home =..= #
- 12:46 @ Leto :( 'Work' is a 4 letter word for a reason -..- #
- 12:53 @ Leto I know -..- And you're not gonna be on Council of Six tomorrow ;_; #
- 12:57 @ Leto I know... wtb infusion of awesome plx... #
- 13:14 @ wotcherscamp <..< You busy now? #
- 13:44 Why didn't my cell vibrate... #
- 13:48 @ Leto oh how little you know... #
- 14:06 @ Davlenagain no EoRP can have that effect :/ #
- 14:10 @ Davlenagain oh, yeah. I understand. Doesn't mean I like it. #
- 15:32 Damn internet! Why for you fails me now D: #
- 15:39 K. I think I have a decent email. Now, if only I can convince my internet to work >..< #
- 15:54 @ Leto! Look! Look! It's ranch! *waves ranch about* Look! Over here! #
- 16:04 @ Leto ok ok! .... Experiment complete. Ranch Distraction tactic effective. Leto-Rage averted :) #
- 16:40 ok, that email should be sent. My net is still barely working =..= Ah well. I need to fix foods and get ready for church anywayz :) #
- 16:46 @ Davlenagain :) As always. #
- 17:28 My dad got in to Atlanta after 2 hours. The flight to Brazil was delayed till ...wait for it... 9 pm tonight DX #
- 17:31 Watching Thunder Cats and noming ramen. #
- 19:00 At church now. Cell's going on silent. #
- 20:54 Home. I asked Mom if she would rather watch The Bourne Identity or Castle. We agree @NathanFillion > Matt Damon. #
- 21:49 Uegh -..- I'ma gonna heat up my bathroom, and take myself a long, hot shower... Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. #
- 22:00 Watching moar Thundercats while the bathroom heats :) #
- 22:02 @ Leto Haven't decided yet. #
- 22:03 @ Leto True. But I've got old episodes I can listen to :) #
- 22:05 @ Davlenagain Oh, that's alright. I'll wait along with everyone else. Thanks tho :) #
- 22:39 @ Leto :3 in the words of a great man/machine/Sith, All to easy. #
- 22:42 Feel the magic, hear the roar. Thundercats are loose! #
- 22:48 ... I wonder how the Thundercats would feel about being called loose o..o #
- 23:33 Ok. Shower time. I'm thinking it's a Council kind of night. #
I text way too much, yo :D
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