Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 11:36 =..= #
- 11:38 I... need to wash clothes... should probably fix breakfast first. #
- 12:10 Almost all the snow has melted away, just a few stubborn patches linger. I thought it might - I heard it melting off my house all night. #
- 12:54 Slept from 1 to 11:30 and I'm still tired outta my mind... Mom's claim that I'm anemic is real easy to believe at this point -..- #
- 14:42 @ wotcherscamp <..< Tease. #
- 14:42 oh...right...we have revival tonight =..= I need to get moving and stop staring at this computer blankly. #
- 15:09 @ wotcherscamp You're the artist :) Change away. #
- 15:09 My God, but I'm laid back.... #
- 15:09 @ kendramasters ;_; I misses you. Take plenty of pictures :D #
- 15:13 @ wotcherscamp Sure that'd be great :) #
- 15:16 Ladies and Jellyspoons, I... Am cleaning my spare bedroom... even though there's no reason to do so... #
- 15:27 @ Davlenagain Indeed. Now that I've cleaned out the smallest dresser ever, there's three empty drawers that make it a bit more homey :) #
- 15:45 I wonder if Bub's bar-b-que is still good. Can't go by smell as they smell of bar-b-que. There's nothing else in the house, so I feel brave. #
- 16:59 I cannot believe I didn't mention Gary Oldman's birthday yesterday. I mean, the man's legend, and I didn't even wish him a happy birthday :| #
- 17:09 @ crispinfreeman, Thank you. You are the only reason I choose to watch Wolf's Rain in English :) #
- 18:46 At church. A little early of course. Putting cell on silent nao :) #
- 21:30 @ mr_nnj <..< #
- 22:16 I know it's a little late, but I'm thinking about making cookies... #
- 23:23 @ wotcherscamp who? #
- 23:27 Been watching Star Wars documentaries/featurettes... Gonna go shower and then, bed =..= #
- 23:33 @ wotcherscamp Yeah... She's difficult lile that :) #
I text way too much, yo :D
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