Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 10:49 Uploading. God, help me =..=' #
- 11:05 @ rei2rei Aw, hon. That's so sad. My condolences. #
- 13:02 @ rei2rei dark blue can be awfully somber... I don't think it'd be inappropriate. They wont notice what you're wearing... #
- 13:09 Been workin' on Captain Shinoda's banner for a while... I think I might actually have something going now... we'll see. #
- 16:18 ok. Video's uploaded, it just needs to process =..= #
- 16:26 Sent off @ShinnodaDude's sig banner(s) :) #
- 16:29 @ ShinnodaDude Thanks :3 I Try. #
- 16:37 I uploaded a YouTube video -- 05 My Kids youtu.be/EGCDreWT1F4?a #
- 16:47 OK. The video's published. God help us all =..=' #
- 16:49 @ mr_nnj -..- Don't ask me questions, Grand Marshall. It's just so embarrassing. To think, I mentor these kids... to think I mentor at all! #
- 16:51 @ mr_nnj o..o' you wanna do what to whom in whose back yard? #
- 16:52 @ Davlenagain Oh. 1983 -..- Even though I can't stop singing that song 1985 o..o #
- 16:57 @ mr_nnj @davlenagain oh yeah? I've got a vagina >..> And that's power. #
- 17:24 Meh, I'm bored... think I'll drop in to the IRC and see what's up... #
I text way too much, yo :D
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