Can't Eat, Can't Sleep, I'm Sick

Dec 13, 2009 16:55

I am so sick =..= I think I just have a really bad head cold, but it just goes to show how amazing it is that something that simple can affect you so badly. I went to bed last night around 10:30 which, for me is super early... my insomnia has kept me up till around 3am some nights. I was trying to listen to But Wait, There's Lore! but I just couldn't stay awake. I slept till 12 o..o that's super late even fore me. I mean, even when I stay up really late, I've always woken up around 9/10 am. It's been ages since I slept till or past noon.

The only thing I've actually accomplished today is making a WoW poster of Yaviel. I had been trying a couple of months ago, but the builder would never load the pictures. It would time itself out and say that it couldn't do anything. I dunno if the traffic on the sight has just decreased since then or what, but I managed to make my Yaviel poster. Now that I have it set up, I can buy it any time I want to.... which will not be any time soon =..= I sent in a question to them asking if they made wall scrolls, because I'm fairly certain I've seen one... but I can't find the option to make a wall scroll anywhere. If I could, I'd be wanting to buy that thing NOW.

Scamp was nice enough to send me chapter 8 of her story, and I can't even read the thing. Correction, I've read it... but I can't focus on it. Every time I read through it (and believe me, I've tried several times) I feel like I'm missing something. It's like I'm not grasping it. Sorry, Scampers,but I'ma have to wait until I can actually focus on something for more than 12 seconds at a time before I can reply to that =..='

Needless to say, I haven't really done anything today, and that includes church. I called the pastor and told him I wouldn't be there tonight to teach my class. He thanked me for not sharing the love (and by love, I mean germs). Mom says she's going to take me to some clinic tomorrow, in hopes that I get a shot and get over this quickly.

/looks at the clock. I started writing this entry at 4 =..= I guess I'd better wrap this up before I forget what I'm doing (again) and start another ramble.

TTYL, Sunshines.

You Are Honest and Open

You are a very honest person, yet you somehow avoid being brutally honest with people.

You know that the truth often does hurt, so you try to cushion the blow as much as possible. And because of your approach, people do appreciate your honesty.

You're the type of person who complements before you criticize. You try to put the truth in perspective and make it seem not so dire.

And whenever you're stating your opinion, you make it clear that it's just that ... your point of view. You can only speak your own personal truth.

How Do You Tell the Truth?

Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself

sleep, warcraft, health, scamp

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