Take a look at my Tweetin' :3
- 12:03 Driving and saw a women dressed head to toe in white walking on the side of the road... #
- 12:27 ...things I learned from Supernatural: when driving, never pick up a woman in white o..o #
- 15:03 Watching Mazes and Monsters... no idea why. It still makes me laugh like I'm mad :) #
- 15:50 God, but I wish this pain would stop. It starts in my right hip and ranges down my thing and into my knee :( Even when I'm still, it hurts. #
- 17:46 Every time I watch the Transformers movies, I get pumped just from the music. I really should get the soundtracks. #
- 17:47 My hip is still killing me, but the pain has dulled a bit... don't know why. Still, I have to clean the church tonight... #
- 22:04 ...ow... x..x' #
I text way too much, yo :D
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