Geek Fest has started off yet again! Scampers is hanging out at my place, either she’s sleeping or she’s already Warcracking, so I’m sure she’s happy either way. Mom and Aunt Audrey have left for Tennessee, so that the can attend a cousin’s wedding. We are so gonna have a blast.
In other news, I’ve purchased 2 things from
The Pyramid Collection. I got the infamous
Touchy Fairy Plaque and the
Winged Dragon Wall Plaque; the latter of which was on sale. Yayness. I’m thinking that the next thing I get will be those seasonal fairies that they have. It’ll probably still be a long while before that happens though.
I’ve also ordered a lot of things from, but this time, I’ve spent a ton of money….on myself. Although, I must say, the things that I ordered for Mom and Reiko are taking a very long time to come in. The package was supposedly shipped out on the 10th and I’ve yet to see it. I hope it comes in soon, or…or I’ll be really really worried =.=’ But, I ordered the second season of Hercules, the first and second seasons of Xena (don’t judge me), and the final piece of the puzzle to my Sailor Moon collection, season SuperS! I was so excited because it was available for $48 something and brand new, which is a much better deal than buying it at “Good - Like new” status for $120 something. So, I’m a happy psycho neko (I changed it from ‘psycho bunny’ to ‘psycho neko’ because not only does Neko sorta kinda rhym with psycho, but I often make odd cat noises, so it just makes sense).
I don’t know if there is any other news…Hey, Scampers, if you’re alive, post or something. Give your Billy Bunny something to read ^.^
And I’m out. Later, sunshines.
Your strongest sense is Right and Wrong
Which Sense Is Strongest in You? Brought to you by
Tickle Yaviel Saerwen Isilmiel