My good friends, if you have not voted on LJ Idol this week, I strongly recommend that you check the poll…and vote for me while you’re at it ^.^
Thanks for your support! This LJ Idol stuff kinda takes it outta ya. I mean...I spend the first half of my week agonizing over what I’m gonna write. It’s weird. It’s weird having deadlines on my writing/creativity O.o Makes me wonder if I’d actually be able to do it professionally =.=
Plenty’s been going on. My dear cousin, Scamp, came down with a combination of Bronchitus and salmonella poisoning. That’s right, she had that nasty dinosaur-ridden peanut butter (“Kid’s voice: I think salmonella is a type of dinosaur..” Sha.) She had an upset stomach one day and had peanut butter on toast to settle her stomach =.= Only several days after eating this peanut butter did she hear on the news that all peanut butter with the first numbers “211” on them were recalled because of salmonella poisoning. That’s when the whole sickness thing came to light. SO …she is now recovering from that, although last I heard the bronchitis had gotten beater. Man…she just couldn’t get one sickness. Oh no! She’s too special for that. Damn over achiever issues.
What else is there? Oh, not that much of anything but, on Warcraft, I deleted almost all of my Hoard characters on Icecrown, deciding that Icecrown would be my Alliance server. So Bonnianne (human mage), Qiralyn (Nigh elf Druid), Dolithiel (Draenei Shaman), and Leikra (Dwarf Paladin) are all on Icecrown still. Jezeth (Troll Hunter) is still there temporarily...till I can work up the money to have her switched to Sentinels. Sentinels is where I have my Hoard characters. So far, I have Yaviel (Blood Elf Warlock), Yalisilwen (Blood Elf Hunter), and Suzii (Tauren Warrior) on Sentinels. Although, I haven’t gotten the chance to actually play Suzii much =.= I gotta admit...I’m not that into Warriors...I only made her as a Warrior because she’s got Druid, Shaman, Hunter and Warrior as her only options; and dammit! I want a Tauren! They’re…cool…..even if I can’t figure out a way to make such a character interesting…I’m just very warily of making her a hunter, because then that’ll be 3 hunters. Some might say having two hunters is like having the same thing. Oh, no my friends. Having a Troll hunter and a Blood elf hunter are two very different things. But, having a Troll hunter and a Tauren hunter might be very similar. So I’m staying away from that class...even though I do love the Hunter class. So, it was either Druid, Shaman or Warrior and I thought, “hmm…never really played as a warrior…*shrug*”.
Another thing I’d been wanting to do was make some sort of RPG icon for LJ, but have it with my old characters from EQ and my newer characters from a moving Giff. Only for some reason, LJ never liked the giffs I made before when I had working corel draw and now that it’s busted I’m sorta stuck. It keeps “Unable to create a DOM document. Class not registered. Verify that MSXML4 is installed”. So I’m prowling the internet for that, even though I’m not sure what I’m doing O.o’ I’m trying the Windows site now…let’s hope that helps. (It’s what it’s there for right?)
Also, I finally ordered something from Well, a few somethings actually. I figured, I haven’t ordered in a while, I’ve been watching my money like a good little girl, and I got a nice refund from the tax people just recently, so it’s ok to actually get something for myself. Plus pay-day is this Friday, and I did so good between pay-days that I had lots of cash in the bank still. I’ve been meaning to expand my (nearly nonexistent) Manga collection for some time now. I have something like 3 or 4 series up on my Manga wish list, and I’ve yet to start acquiring any of them. So I bought the first and second volumes of Fruits Basket; one of my favorite animes every. Before this anime came along, I had no idea there was such a thing as genki angst. Then I also go a DVD called The Greatest Journeys on Earth - Japan: Journeys on the Tokaido, because while I do enjoy reading, if it comes to something such as learning, I can’t learn very well from reading. Now, if it’s on the History channel or Animal Planet or the Discovery stays in my brain for years. So buying documentaries on stuff I think is cool works. I also go I’m not Dead by Pink...just because ^___^
…….I think that’s it for me. I’m gonna give a slight ‘Mouto-chan update. Chibi is still doing very well at college in Arkansas. She said that this semester is much easier than the others (though by no means easy) and she’s allowed a bit of a social life. She also said that she’d be coming down for …something…not Spring Break but something else that they have, and it’d be around May-ish. Then she probably wouldn’t be down till Christmas break, which really works because Scamp and I might actually be moved into the Nexus by then and we could have our Christmas celebration there! Coolness! On the Reiko front, things have been fun. Reiko called me Wednesday (I think it was…) and asked if I planed to live with my parents forever…like I’ve got the word “Looser” tattooed on my back or something. It’s not what she said, but how she said it. I informed her that Scamp and I would be moving in the Nexus later in the year. Turns out she’s looking at buying a house in Hammond because it’s closer to the school she needs to go to, and she can buy one at auction cheap from the state. Of course, she’d looked to me as a potential room mate…but that was till she realized I’d have my own house. She also has a new pet rat (her rats are cute guys…seriously. Stop making those faces! They’re really sweet!). Her first pet rat is Milo…he’s kind of this off grayish rat…maybe white with grey tips or something. Anyway, he’s pretty big, and she has her grey cat Chimera (after the band), and Pet Smart (where she works) gave her another rat, because it’s tail is stubbed off and no one wants it. She’s a lot smaller than Milo and she’s dark brown (mouse brown ^.^). She said that she wants to mate the female to Milo later once she’s matured. She asked me what I thought she should name it, and I told her to name her “Joyce”. For you Milo & Otis fans out there, I’m sure you know why ^____^…oddly enough it feels like my ‘Mouto-chans are moving far, far away from me….s’a good thing Scamp’s moving in soon. Otherwise, I’d feel abandoned or something =.=
Eureka! Corel is now working! I just needed to download something from the windows site and I’m good! Thank goodness.
Well, my sleeping meds are kicking in. I’ll be logging off, sunshines. But here’s a nice bout of Sunday Quizzes for you…
You Are 44% Texas
At first, you seem Texan... but just because a chicken has wings don't mean it can fly.
How Texas Are You? You Are 8% Massachusetts
You Yankees loving homo! You probably think Starbucks coffee tastes better than Dunkin Donuts.
How Massachusetts Are You? You Are 4% California
You are a bogus Californian. Go back to the East Coast.
How California Are You? You Are 53% Sexy
Your Sex Appeal Is: High
You're quite sexy, and you're probably at least partially aware of your powers.
Don't let your self doubt ever get the best of you. You're even more attractive than you know.
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have? Your Brain is Purple
Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
What Color Is Your Brain? You Are Pretty Happy
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life.
But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.
Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.
Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!
How Happy Are You, Really? You Are a Mac
You are creative, stylish, and super trendy.
You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg.
Are You a Mac or a PC? You Are 59% Misanthropic
You're somewhat misanthropic, but you're not willing to write off the human race (yet!).
There's a few people you like, and even them you like at a distance.
How Misanthropic Are You? What MsMoon Means
M is for Marshmallow
S is for Sleepy
M is for Mi Amor
O is for Overnight Friend
O is for Old Fashioned Love
N is for Nugget
What's Your Pet Name? You Are a Candy Heart
You're definitely a pro when it comes to romance - and you have great dating etiquette.
Plus you probably smell and taste pretty darn good.
Are You a Candy Heart or a Candy Fart? Yaviel Isilmiel