Beware, for I am:
Ok, I am so happy that I don’t even care that I’m broke. Really. It’s that great. I really need to slow down and explain. Ok...
Saturday when I said that not much had happened that day, that was not quite right. A lot did happen on that day. First off, Mom and I went shopping. I bought myself a very adorable golden crescent moon necklace. It’s a simple little thing but I think it’s beautiful. Mom also paid me back for the money I used to get her medicine, and that gave me plenty of money to put into my bank account. So I went home and went onto and bought
Threshold. It was all there, nice and ready for pre-order and just calling my name. So I figured, ‘to hell with it’ and just bought the thing. It comes out officially tomorrow. I can’t wait to get it.
So Saturday I got some new pants and a new necklace and Threshold. Sunday, I put up the MechaCon 2.0 page and updated the convention section with new graphics and all. That’s been my weekend.
Today, work was ok. We logged 86 charts. I then checked the charts for the nurses (basic stuff like heart rates, grip strengths and such). The poor nurses have been swamped with charts. So much so that they can’t really get to the ones that come in right away. And it doesn’t look as though we’ll be getting any help any time soon. The copy machine broke though, and Karen called up to warn me ahead of time so that I wouldn’t have to heave a heavy load down the stairs for no reason. That was a bit of kindness.
Other than that, I’m waiting for Friday to get here. I plan to do two things. 1) Pre-order
Supernatural; 2) Buy a month (or more) subscription to World of Warcraft. I told my Twin I’d start playing it after Mecha Con, but I forgot in all the...hoopla. Then I spent too much money at Mecha Con and other stuff. Now, she’s moving and she won’t have the internet till like, the 29th or something. So I’m gonna order it on the 25th and get my character up and running. Try to learn the basics of the game and all. Then maybe we can play together. Lord knows it’s been so long since we have. Just thinking about it takes me back...
I guess that’s all for now. I’m gonna relax a bit and then hit the hay. It’s been a long day. G’night.
Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
- You Are The Wayward Heart
"Feel Better."
You are best described as 'Emotional Support'. Anytime an emotional issue comes up or something stresses people out, you are there to help them feel better about it. Whether you are the prankster of the bunch, the funny one, the wild one, or just the shoulder to cry on - your traits favor what it takes to keep people going. You like large groups of people and have many friends. When something hits home for you, however, you have a hard time with it. You also have difficulty paying attention or focusing on one thing. Above all, though, if people are happy, you are happy.
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Well..I like her bra...