The Routine keeps you going

Apr 05, 2006 22:39

Beware, for I am:

Not much happened today. Wait...that’s not right. Stuff happened. Lot’s of stuff. What happened today? /thinks Ok..I called the boss-lady and asked if there was any time that she wanted me to come pick up my stuff, and she said any time. I apologized and she ‘accepted my apology’. ...Mom and I went walking. We walked 2 miles and decided to go check out Nanny McPhee at the dollar theater. I think Mom wants to perk me up or something. Truthfully, the only thing that really bothers me besides the lack of income is the lack of productivity. I’m afraid I’ll get lazy if I don’t have something to keep me going. Anyway. Mom and I walked. We saw a few things around the stores to look at on our last lap (the cool-out lap). We ended up going into Bath&Body Works, and I finally got to see (or smell as it were) the Cherry Blossom fragrances that chaineddove had told me about. OMG, Odango, you weren’t kidding. I have to admit that I like the white and pink products more than the yellow colored ones. They had a white, yellow, and pink variety of cherry blossom stuff and the yellow was way too strong. I like subtle fragrances. Your perfume isn’t supposed to announce you, it’s supposed to accompany you...and all that jazz.
After the walk, we deposited my check into checkings and then we headed over to Burger King to visit with Grandmere. She’s always at Burger King between the hours of 9:30ish to about 11. Allways with gets her biscuit (well done), her medium diet coke (which she refills throughout the day) and sits and talks with her sister and whoever else should wander through the door and be in the mood to talk. We stayed and talked for a while, then Mom had to deposit some money in her bank.
Then we headed over to the agency to pick up my stuff. We got everything cleaned out in record timing; packed it all in a box and was ready to go. I did forget to get Mrs. R to sign my time sheet, but I can sign it and fax it to her and she can sign it and send it on. I hope...Mrs. A has always loved my chocolate treasure candies, and she always finds an excuse to sneak in and get one. So I grabbed a handful and put them on her desk and said “For the road” she thanked me and we were on our way. No one else talked to us. No one else so much as looked at us. /shrug I’ll assume they were all too busy and leave it at that.
We got home and my Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe was in. I love special edition stuff. It’s great so far, and all I’ve watched is the bonus footage. I thought I recognized Mr. Tumnus from the movie, and I know where now. He’s the same guy that played as Leto in Children of Dune. He’s got this really sexy Irish accent. It’s absolutely adorable. I also have this wonderful Unicorn Coloring book that I ordered with it (shut up! It was like $2 and the shipping was free if I added $2 up!). But really, it’s the coolest coloring book I’ve ever seen. But I’m not going to color it till I get a new Printer/Scanner/Copier. I want to scan the pages so I’ll be able to color it as much as I like, whenever I like.
That’s another thing. Poor old Madison hasn’t been working right at all. She says that her black and white print cartridge is not installed properly. But every time I check it, I only find that it is installed properly, and then I take it out and put it in again and all she’ll do is blink at me and say it’s not done right. /sighs Oi, these machines. I can print on her though, which is odd...She just won’t scan or copy anything. I was going to get a new one as soon as I’d saved up enough money to get a really good one, but…well. The best laid plans, no da.
Anyway. Mom was feeling sleepy, so she went and napped while I dove into obsessive fan-girl heaven watching the CON (Chronicles of Narnia) bonus footage. These children are charming...Really. I mean, forget the fact that William Moseley (Peter) is extremely cute. They’re all just such a delight. It was a pleasure to watch them be themselves and have fun. This isn’t a occurrence that I’m accustomed to. I have made it evident on several occasions that I loath children to the very core of my being. And to find myself enjoying watching these children was a surprise. Maybe it’s because they’re British...that must be it.
Anyway. Mom finally got up from her nap. She went outside to read on the patio and she spotted two small wood-peckers. She called me out to take pictures, but my camera was kinda dieing and they were too far off anyway. And much too fast to catch on camera.
I came back and Mom wanted to fix her famous strawberry popsicles. She takes sugar, water and freshly grown strawberries and puts them all in a blender, then into little wax cups and puts a pop cycle stick in the center and freezes them all. She makes like 200 and we slowly eat them over the summer. I washed the strawberries and she blended and poured.
Then I went and made this little colorbar.

Kidd Kraddick is my favorite morning radio show. I was upset that I wasn’t waking up early enough to listen to them on a regular basis after the job thing. So I made this for fun.
Then, I watched half of tonight’s Bones. I’d taped it but I couldn’t get through it and check mail and stuff before CSI: NY rolled around. It was really good...both of them, I just don’t know how Bones ends.
Now, I’m showered and the pills are kicking in (thus the shorter sentences), so I’m off to bed. G’night everyone.

You Are The Moon

You represent the unconscious side of life, what happens in dreams.
You are capable of great genius - but also of great madness.
Emotions tend to be primal for you, both your fears and your fantasies.
Your intuition is always right, listening to it is the difficult part.

Your fortune:

You are about to embark on a very important journey - and a very difficult one.
Some of your deepest dreams will be realized, as well as some of your deepest nightmares.
Follow your creativity and visions; stay away from your weaknesses.
You are taking a voyage to the center of yourself, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.
What Tarot Card Are You?
...Dude,..that’s like profound...and quite accurate...

PS: Note to self, Nanny McPhee plays at 5:40 tomorrow.

taking pictures, images, bones, dune, bored, productivity, candy, printer, odango, humor, money, colorbars, computers, movies, wtf, mom, narnia, grandmere, snacks, csi, frustrations, exercise, birds, coworkers, work_insurance agency, obsessions

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