Beware, for I am:
Super Pig! I cannot believe the day I’ve had. I haven’t even done much, for Huffelpuff’s sake! I’ve been trying to move my web site around. You know, break the huge file into individual smaller files so that I can actually put them on web sites without Tripod flipping me off. Well, then I realized there were several sections that needed attention graphics wise. Now usually I tend to the graphics on the other computer (it has Corel Draw on it and I work best on that), but I try to limit the amount of work that I do graphics wise so that I can keep my ever-fragile grip on sanity. So, I finished up most of the graphics for the ‘Fun Stuff’ section. It’s a section for fun things that I do (Dollz, Sheeps, Graduation and Convention are the main features).
Well, I decided to check and see how much space was on the fun section to see if it would need a section all to itself. It’s something like 65 friggin’ MB! I only just realized that my pictures from the AWA convention are like 61 MB in all. So I’m now going through them to see what’s what, and I realized that all the AWA pics are like 2032 X 1524 (pixel of course). That’s a huge pictures. And since these are pictures from when I first got my camera, and I wasn’t good at taking pictures; I don’t really want to have huge fuzzy pics up there. So all the pics are being resized to 1024 X 768 pixels. It seems to be decreasing the size by half. If it still isn’t down, I may try converting to 800 X 600...we’ll see.
Other than that I’ve been doing a lot of reading and writing. Sometimes I just get that yen and I go on a roll. I knew that I was probably taking it to the extreme hermit-crab stage when Dad kept checking in on me. I was thinking about how he was getting a little obsessive since I’d only been in here a little while and then I looked at the clock and realized it’d been about, oh, 8 hours. O.O yeah. Sometimes I just want to read, and I can do that for hours on end. But then there are times when I read, and the reading makes me really want to write. And it was one of those on-again, off-again things again this time.
Mom has been so sick today. Dad said she woke up at 4 something in the morning and was so nauseous and sick. She’s done little more than sip soup, suck on pop cycles, and lay around. I hope she feels better in the morning. Unfortunately, since Mom’s immune system was whipped out by Hepatitis B she just doesn’t recover as fast as she used to.
Oh yeah...that job interview. It went kinda well in the fact that I think he thought I was descent. Otherwise it was a bust. Guy wanted me to work 8-5 Mon-Fri, and then travel around with him to local places to set up presentations, and he didn’t have any benefits. I mean, I don’t have insurance (health insurance that is), and that’s a huge issue. If I’m gonna put all this effort into your business, then you had better be watching my back. So, after the interview, I called my contact lady at the Staffing place and told her to turn him down if he chose me. It’s just too much responsibility too quick for me.
Other than that, life’s been blissfully quiet. I’ve taken my shower, and my pills and I should be off to bed as soon as I can tear myself away from Dream Weaver. So, before I drop from the pills, goodnight everyone.
Your Inner Child Is Sad
You're a very sensitive soul.
You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.
How Is Your Inner Child? MM