Under Serious Construction

Jan 10, 2006 22:05

Beware, for I am:

Wow, today was full of stuff. I did stuff today. I surprised myself by doing stuff. I didn’t mean to; it just happened. Ok, so what did I do today? Well...
Started off just by waking up at 10. Mom and I watched Gilmore Girls (God, I love my girls!). Then I got ready and headed to town. Mom needed some stamps, I needed to mail my car note and deposited the money that I’d be paying the damn thing with. So I did that. Met up will an old friend from Fletcher there too. We talked for a few minutes then I went to Sonic and picked Mom and I up a burger.
Got home, and Mom and I watched CSI: Miami. I’m so glad it was new. We’ve been living in rerun city lately, and it really bothers me.
Then I checked stuff out online and I found that I could actually use Dream Weaver properly... Whohoo! That was so great. I was like “I can actually do stuff now and it’ll matter!” So, I started looking over my web site, you know to see realistically what type of time frame I’m on. The EQ Characters section is completely done (to my knowledge), but there’s still plenty of stuff to take care of on everything else. Still, having the EQ Characters out of the way is a huge hurdle that I’ve...uh...hurdled. So, what I did was, I totally took down everything that was on my site, and I put this page up as the index: Under Construction. I’m just sick and tired of the old site being up there and reminding me that I’ve done nothing, when really I’ve done stuff! It’s just not visiable. So I put this up in hopes of spurring me on. By the way, the section that’s finished is up and in its own spot. So if you guys wanna go over and have a look at it please do. I’d love someone to give me an unbiased opinion of the graphics and everything. Here’s a link to the EQ Characters page.
Also, I managed to catch Supernatural while the whole thing was updating. God, I love that show...and I don’t know why. I think I’ve already said that...oh well.
I knew that that girl that Sam met on the road would be in the story. I didn’t know how she’d fit into the story, but I knew she’d be an element in the story. And not just the episode for tonight story, but the major story. And she will be. I thought she’d join Sam and Dean and be one of the freaky Supernatural hunters. But it turns out it’s even bigger than that. Also, how freaky was that scare crow. The minute I saw it I was like, “Oh God, I hope this won’t be like Jeepers Creepers...” and it wasn’t exactly...but it kinda was. And yet another episode that shows that small town people can be really short-sided and stupid. Is that what Hollywood wants us to think? Because that’s what I’m getting out of this. Well, phooey on them. I like small towns. Just as long as there aren’t any creepy pagan scarecrows that want ritual sacrifices to appease them. Jenkies.
And that’s all that’s really happened today. It’s a lot of stuff really. Anyone who takes a look at the EQ Characters page that’s actually up will vouch for that. I still haven’t taken my shower. Damn. I told my mom twice today “I’m gonna go shower.” And both times, I totally forgot. I told her once after Trading Spaces and then after tonight’s new episode of Gilmore Girls. In fact, I told her that “I’m gonna go shower now before I forget and have to do it when it’s way late.” Well, it’s way late. And I’m gonna go shower, dammit.

EAGLE or HAWK - your daemon may be some kind of
bird of prey. Yours is a strong spirit, and a
fierce sense of liberty. You cannot be
confined. You may be shrewdly observant, and
like to be aware of everything that goes on
around you. You will fight fiercely for the
things that are most important to you, and you
are definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Still, you are not vicious by nature and would
prefer to be left in peace. You probably value
your solitude very highly - not that you don't
enjoy company, but sometimes you just need to
be alone - otherwise you begin to feel caged in
and confined. You might want to take a drive on
your own, just to feel the road beneath you, or
to sit alone on your balcony, watching the
world go by.

What Is Your Daemon?
brought to you by Quizilla


dreamweaver, monotony, updates, internet, insanity, csi, gilmore girls, productivity, astounded, web site, supernatural, eq

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