SO not woth $10

Mar 31, 2007 11:51

Ok, if any of you have ever judged forensics, you may find this funny...
this is my ACTUAL notes from a CX round

Obs: Faculty understaffed
Anger depletes/….No fucking idea what you’re saying.
b) civil induced lack of restraint 
Indonesia draws economy, shipping
d) economic downfall leads to end on earth.
1/3 homeless veterans, ½ veterans homeless
b) homelessness hurts city growth
c) drug traficiting spreads terrorism’
d)something something terrorism
Drug abuse cause of all evils
“what’s wrong with America”
b)drug epidemic spikes infant mortality rate-bad crack mamas!
Drug…drugs….something, something…drugs…evil


Plan: Doctors 1 year in the military, 1 year in residency. Same with nurses
CMR: Army not getting adequate medical care, doctors and nurses would increase.
Need more troops, more doctors in service. 
Homelessness: bad medical care=skitzophrenea, drug use, PTSD, DOOM
Difficulty recruiting, this plan drafts
Shit. I’m lost. Maybe Neg will help me figure out what the hell is going on.a) barrier: aff plan coming into play, 2011. Walter Ried is in dire need of Spanish translators.
c)remove all barriers
CMR link: aff undermines by forcing civilian doctors to enter military life. Training to be civilian doctors, not military! Won’t know how to treat “blown up leg?” What are they learning in medical school?
We maintain strong military relations, civilian doctors don’t know how to treat military harms, hurts civilian/military relation.
Already changing conditions, veteran doctors “graduate’ to civilan hospital, better

Impacts won’t be shown before 2011. 4 years. Why force a radical change if no 
Vetren’s hospital is shitty
Spanish translators…?
Solvency: Bush sends out commissions to repair conditions in Walter Ried, why needed if it’s already being changed? Um….I fell sleep twice during this CX. And I still gathered all the information that you were attempting to convey. SLOW DOWN, think, and answer.

WR will close in 2011, but action is needed NOW! Spanish translators? Why? What? Huh?
-implementing doctor draft will help veterans-to-be NOW.
can I also point out that drafting ANYONE against their will, forcing them into the military was criminalized after Vietnam? Anybody? Nothing? Check.
Draft takes only Doctors, not general population. Case will stop homelessness, mental illness, and drug use.
Draft incease civil/military relations.
Status quo is changing conditions presently. Why change? Because civil/ military relations are nosediving. Need SOMETHING. Can’t wait until 2011.
Overview: Spanish translators: 
Impact won’t be effective, will happen in 2011 anyway.
BUT! How do you feel about all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray to at night before you go to sleep? 
Wait…that’s a Pink song, not this debate. FUCK. I fell asleep AGAIN. Ok. Focus.


Spanish translators not really a part of this debate?
Need Spanish speakers to reliably treat the Spanish speaking military population.
Their plan doesn’t touch on how they’re going to recruit translators.
Why be able to daft doctors when drafting anyone else is illegal?
Already working to provide veterans a better medical, psychological care.
Aff can’t solve w/o Spanish translators
I still can’t believe the grim reaper came out of Bryce’s room last night…Random…Seriously. WTF?
Vote Neg because 2011 the impacts will be moot, 
Hehe. Moot sounds like toot. That’s right. Like a fart.


PMA: Walter Ried, they need Spanish translators. NEVER PROVIDE FOR. 
Impacts and standards….uh….
If you throw out Spanish translators, 
Drafted doctors won’t be able to treat military injuries. Might not want to treat because they’re a little…blown up?
Status quo is the status quo,and this would undermine the status quo
You keep saying that (phrase). I do not think it means what you think it means…
Solvency: Already bettering conditions, working to closing Walter Ried 
Ooooh it’s a hospital…I get it.
Illogical leaps of logicà drafting doctors will stop homeless NOW? Drafting doctors will end drug use NOW?
Please oh please be done soon. I think I may eat this non-biodegradable Styrofoam cup in the hopes it will poison me and end in a painful, but mercifully quick death



PMN: Unless refute solvency, can’t voe
Drafting doctors, drafting civilians, link can’t hold. 
Don’t outline other than walter-ried hospital.. Yeah we did. You just couldn’t understand it.
Brought up new arguments? Maybe…but they didn’t address the old ones either.
Card specifies a non-combat setting.
Bottom line:
Economic downfall, snowball, terrorism, AIDS vs. national security.
Homelessness leads to extinction
Homeslessness, SNOWBALL, EXTINCTION!!!
They’re pointing to combat, not what Aff is talking about.
Solvency Walter Ried was the only one spoken about , then new hospitals shouldn’t be a matter of debate.
(the shirt is secondary…but still sucky…)
Hehe. Moot.
CMR is KEY to upholding national security.CMR, most deal with combat situations, but in reality would work in out-patient hospital for veterans. Giving congress what it wants which will LOGICALLY increases relations. Duh
Crunch crunch… hurts so good.
These are untrained residents, not fully degreed doctors, so it’s not taking away doctor that the public needs. 
No Walter Ried in 2011, but will affect other veteran-outpatient hospitals in the future.Spanish speakers not related to military relations?
CMR? DA? What the fuck are you talking about??!? This debate hurts me. PHYSICALLY HURTS ME.
DA: Civil/military relations?
By drafting civilian doctors, not recruiting willing military doctors, hurts. ANY draft will hurt relations.When will we see the impacts? Homelessness is happening now, homelessness;
Enough doctors in the public, not enough in the military


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