i am such a dork

May 12, 2002 01:45

yeah well i was cleaning my room (or organzing, or straighting up, or what my parents call "moving the piles around" which is essentially what i was doing)...well i'm not done but i had to stop to get my laundry which has prolly been done for a few hours and to watch family ties (YAY! cuz i'm at home, it starts in 13 minutes)...

and in attempting to clean my room i came to several interesting conclusions...

1) I actually have a floor, and it's covered with carpet instead of stuff
2) I have too much crap
3) I have too much furniture
4) I have too many shoes
5) I am a pack-rat
6) I am a dork, a biiiiggg one
7) It's not a good idea to sit down and go through old papers because they made me come to conclusions 5 and 6
8) All the papers I couldnt find that I needed this semester were right where I left them in a folder on my bookshelf AT HOME!
9) Boy I have sure BSed a lot of papers...and once for some experiment I TOTALLY made up the teach said I had "very vivid examples"
10) I used to be very obssessed with Nsync
11) I will never have to buy college-ruled paper ever again
12) I will also never have to wrap another present as I have enough gift bags to last my whole lifetime
13) I can get a shitload of stuff done after midnight...

that's all for now i'm sure they'll be more lata since i'm not done cleaning my room...

and ps... anyone interested in a crappy webcam complete with software...it'll be FREE!! :-D

alright lata...

funny, cleaning my room

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