I really have been sucking at updating this thing...

Aug 15, 2009 02:19

Okay, so obviously the posting once a week thing isn't working here. So maybe I'll catch up on that later. Right now I'm going to post some more pictures from a long time ago.

These are from November or so when we took a CED trip to Hanging Rock, NC. It ended up just being me and my cohortmate Jane but it didn't matter. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, I might even call it perfect.

There were two waterfalls there.

Me and Jane at the other waterfall

Gorgeous, one of my favorite photos from this day.

I love all the different colors in the next two.

Brilliant red

Nearing the top

My feet on the edge

Panorama of the view

Sitting near the edge

Scary looking rock

fall, grad school, pictures, hanging rock, north carolina

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