"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die!"

May 18, 2007 11:16

I started this yesterday by writing little bits in between craziness.

so last night we were watching criminal minds and there was a point when mandy patinkin (aka Inigo Montoya) was pointing a gun at a killer and telling him about one of his victims that he had been friends with, all i could think of was the aforementioned line from the princess bride. i'm apologizing in advance because i think this entry is going to be terribly long. this week has just been absolutely insane! i come in each morning and start catching up on the stuff leftover from the day before and then all hell breaks loose and i just get more behind. i probably shouldn't even be writing this journal entry but i just need to start taking some little breaks.

it still feels weird when i sneeze with holes in the back of my mouth. and i can only really chew on one side because my one molar is really bothering me.

the construction gods listen to me apparently. there is/was a really annoying railroad crossing on the road that i drive on to get back and forth to party city. like it was really rough and everyone had to slow down so much to go over it and it backed up traffic. well they have since fixed it and made it nice and smooth. and speaking of driving to party city, it's pretty depressing now. the road is kinda cute and through the woods but now they are widening it and cutting down trees and building more houses and knocking down houses to build more little office complexes that will probably stay empty forever...seriously there is an entire empty office building right next to our apt. complex, and it's a big one.

in sad news, there was a huge wildfire on Catalina Island last week and 4,725 acres were burned. unfortunately it seems to include the trails we worked on and the volunteer camp we stayed at. i keep checking the conservancy's website they haven't said anything about it. i edited the map of the area, the black line is the trail and the yellow spot is the camp (approximately of course).

this past weekend at party city a customer tried to tell me that her American Express card was denied because she washed it in the pocket of her jeans.

i bought Fern Gully(!) at costco on monday and i had to unwrap two layers of plastic...doesnt that defeat the purpose of a "Save the Rainforests!" movie!

i don't care what the guy in the Sonic commercials says, Netflix and Magic Erasers are the best inventions ever.

so curtis and i are planning on going to Savannah for our anniversary and we were going to splurge and stay at a Bed & Breakfast. well we're not planning on splurging that much so we're going to stay at a B&B in Charleston, SC instead for the first night and then to Savannah for either 2 or 3 days (we are trying to swing by Atlanta to see Tricia(!) but we don't know if it's going to work out). This is where we are staying in Charleston: http://www.charleston-sc-inns.com/ashley/. We are in Room #2: http://convoyant.com/resnexus/reserve/book.aspx?ID=97&ResID=54658&Status=864325

So I watched my first lacrosse game this past Sunday. I never knew lacrosse was so violent. They just go around beating each other with their sticks. "Where's the guy with the ball?" "Over there!" "Let's go beat him with our sticks!"

i've noticed that i'm very inconsistent as far as my capitalization is concerned.

Now I'm writing the rest today.

So this was leftover movie week. Basically we just got a bunch of movies that we didn't get to watch for our other weeks (but we didn't make it all the way through leftover week, hehe). I watched the Undeclared Second Disc on Wednesday while I was sitting on my ass recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery. The rest of the movies were Rize (leftover from this past week), The 40-Year-Old Virgin (leftover from one of the first few weeks), and V for Vendetta (leftover from superhero week even though he's not really a superhero).

Rize 2005 - Former commercial photographer and music video director David LaChapelle delves into the "krumping" culture in South Central Los Angeles, capturing the unbelievable gyrations of dancers with moves so quick that they warrant a special disclaimer. The high-octane documentary centers on " Tommy the Clown," a former birthday entertainer who opened a school to train community kids to krump -- and keep them out of trouble.

There was a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie that they didn't speed up the film in any way. It was pretty cool and pretty interesting. Though it was sad that I guess this has sorta been seen as an alternative to gangs or whatnot but they still have some strong competition between the different krumping groups and there is still hostility there even though there's no outright violence. Tommy gets his house broken into and I'm not exactly sure if it was related to the krumping but I got the impression that it was. And I don't care what any of them say...I would not want my 5-year-old dancing like them...especially a dance called "the stripper dance" (which, btw, one of the people talking said they "didn't really know where it came from"). There was a little girl all gyrating and grinding the floor as she does a split...and someone was saying it was cool and she was just dancing and it's not sexual...well maybe not for her but the skeevy old man across the street with the binoculars might not agree with that.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2005 - Andy Stitzer (the hilarious Steve Carell) has a pleasant life with a nice apartment and a job stamping invoices at an electronics store. But at age 40, there's one thing Andy hasn't done, and it's really bothering his close group of friends: To the shock of everyone he knows, he's still a virgin. The guys at the store make it their mission to change that, but Andy seems hopeless -- until he meets single mom Trish ( Catherine Keener).

I'll admit up front that this is not my type of movie. I went into it with an open mind and it was pretty funny. The deleted scenes were even funnier. And it was cool to see all the Undeclared people since it was Judd Apatow movie and all. "You know how I know you're gay?"

V for Vendetta 2006 - From the pages of David Lloyd and Alan Moore's groundbreaking graphic novel springs the enigmatic "V" ( Hugo Weaving of The Matrix), a masked freedom fighter who's taken up arms against the totalitarian government in a futuristic Britain. Finding an unlikely ally in a young woman named Evey Hammond ( Natalie Portman), V urges the citizenry to fight the oppression of the state. John Hurt and Stephen Rea also co-star.

Another movie that I should have seen a long time ago. It was completely badass and I loved it! It's definitely going on the To Buy list. The V monologue was great. :-)

fire, catalina island, movies, savannah, lacrosse

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