you know you've been watching law and order too much

Sep 20, 2005 12:44

when you start dreaming about it. and i was totally absorbed in this dream and dead to the world...

we were trying to solve a disappearance of a little girl. and it was me and i remember mariska hargitay and some other people i dont recognize from the show. and we have this picture of the girl with an older woman, a nun i think. so we end up at this weird cafe or somthing in the middle of nowhere and we start asking the customers if they've seen the little girl. i recgnoize the old woman in the last booth as being in the picture but she pretends not to know the little girl. so we go outside and i tell the mariska that she's the one from the photograph so we go back in and interview her. i keep looking for clues and asking the cafe owner questions. then i woke up.

it just occured to me that mark fischer was also in my dream...and maybe other people from the henderson settlement trip.

so i was looking for a dragon cross stitch to do for my brother i've found a few options on ebay...if you'd like to take a look and give me some feedback that would be great:

this one is my first choice:

i like this one too but it doesnt seem like there's much to it

so i've been rushing around the last few days trying to get the application for the americorps position together because it's due on friday. so i finally got all of the pieces finished this morning. so i went and faxed it and three hours later i got a call about it! ;-)

so it's with in downtown Greensboro and they want me to come in tomorrow morning so that we can talk about the program and see if we're a match. it's adult literacy instead of children but that's fine with me. so we'll see what happens. and if i can't work at both party city and this job well then party city will have to go. i mentioned party city to the lady and she said we would talk about it.

this is amusing: parents suck! (maybe more later)

well here's one less serious example. so i had this really cool plastic picture frame that held about 8 pictures in a sort of mosaic form that i accidentally left at home. well the other day chere broke it. and they aren't going to buy me a new one. my dad feels that because i left it at home that meant i didnt care about it. what crap. shouldnt you at least offer to replace it? they are going to send me the pictures so i suggested that they send me $10 as well so i could replace it. the best thing i got from my dad was that they could buy me a new one for christmas. "oh hey! look, it's a picture frame that i USED TO HAVE!!"

things i have learned lately:
i dont have to drive too far north from my apartment complex to end up in the boonies
i have a serious pacing problem while i talk on the phone

americorps, cross stitch, dreams, family

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