this one is relatively short, only 5 pictures

Dec 14, 2004 19:28

11/22/04 - First day of brush clearance. Pretty boring actually. And Morris came to visit on our most atypical work day ever. We had lunch at the airport.

11/23/04 - More brush clearance. We went to the buffalo corral at the end of the day. Dinner was eggplant parmesan, and it was crazy good. Ants ate our breakfast and raves ate our bananas.

11/24/04 - Brush clearance. I made a headlamp by duct-taping a mini-maglite to my AmeriCorps wool hat. A few people went down to town, partied and spent the night.

Dreams: At least two, if not three separate ones:

1) I was walking around in a mall and I was looking for a notebook. I bought one and it ended up being the same one that I’m writing in now. So then Curtis’ friend Josh from UMBC was choking and I helped him out. I didn’t even really do anything, the thing popped out before I even got my arms around him. So somehow during this whole process my notebook got dirty so Josh tried to give me $10 to buy a new one but I didn’t take it because a new notebook doesn’t cost $10. so then I walked around and looked for a new notebook but I couldn’t remember how much money I had. So then I was all sad so I went through the mall looking for my brother. And I think my brother ended up being Ben Affleck. So we went home and then Willem Dafoe tried to break into our house. I had to identify him at the end with a grainy security camera shot.

2) They were opening Hell House for some reason, they had renovated it. So they wanted me to show all the pictures I had taken of it and talk about it. And I invited Bobby but I don’t know if he was there. So then Matt from AmeriCorps was doing the intro. Then I couldn’t get my photobucket site to show up on the computer.

3) I had poison oak on both my palms.

11/25/04 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Finished my scarf yesterday (forgot to mention that). So this morning a stupid raven woke me up so I started knitting a new scarf. Then down in to town for laundry and stuff. After that I sat on the beach and knitted until it was time for dinner. We went to the Seaport Village Inn where we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and I ate entirely too much. Then we hug out at the Conservancy House until we went to see a movie. We saw National Treasure and it was pretty good. Best quote: “A big bluish green guy with a very strange goatee. I’m sure it’s something important.” *hugs*

I lost my watch because I left it in the bathroom near the Laundromat.

Then back up to the mountain.

So yay I’m excited because I’m getting two Martina McBride Christmas concert tickets for part of my birthday. So I’m taking Jen. :-D

11/26/04 - Down to town for snorkeling/kayaking. Picked up the stuff then headed over to Descanso Beach for kayaking. So kayaking is not for me at least not by myself on the kayak. I just couldn’t get the hang of it, and I kept freaking out about the bottom, or thinking that I was going to flip over. And I totally put the wetsuit on halfway and it was backwards. So we kayaked out to Frog Rock and I was the last one to get there. So then we hung out in the water and snorkeled a bit. Then kayaked back. And I was super cool because I had the thingy to hold my glasses onto my head. Then I went to the Catalina Island Museum and poked around. Just one of the little museums I usually visit. I got Kim a present from the gift shop. Then I bought the Haunted Catalina book. After that I chilled on one of the piers for a while. Took pictures of Garibaldi, talked to Curtis, and wrote a postcard to Famous Footwear. Then I knitted for a while until people joined me. Matt and I were knitting under the fountain and two old guys walked by and were like, “How much do the blankets cost?” Assholes. Then I watched adolescent boys make fun of kids who were jamming on the stage there. Then off to Antonio’s for pizza. Then we played crazy eights on the floor in the “arcade.” Not a real arcade, there’s a post office, real estate, etc. We were on the random carpet in front of the realtor’s office behind the white picket fence. Then back to the camp.

Tricia went on a tirade about pubic hair. That’s how she proves she’s not a true blond. “Zip…flop.” But we all said that she shouldn’t be flopping. So she changed it to “Zip…poof.”

Dream: Went back to F.Y.E. and they had redone the front so that there were actual doors that you had to go through.

11/27/04 - Back down to town today. The main reason was because we were doing an ISP at the hospital. We pulled weeds in the gardens in front of the hospital. Then we went in and sat with some of the ladies while they had lunch and we knitted. Then I went and knitted for a while, then grocery shopping. Me and Cara are having little kid day. We are making hot dogs, Kraft Mac-n-Cheese and KoolAid. It was Antaeus’ idea but he decided not to make it because he wanted to compete with Matt & Tzippi’s eggplant parmesan. Then I sat and knitted some more and talked to my Mom, Rinaldy, John, & Mark. Then I had to go to the Laundromat and charge my cell phone. Then off to the coffee shop with Cara, Antaeus, and Steve. Then we grabbed pizza and went back up the mountain. And there was a store near the coffee shop with awesome sea glass jewelry in the window.

And we had some interesting encounters with locals. The first was in the Laundromat with this German lady who Tricia had met on an earlier occasion. She kept asking us if we were from “Twotone.” Then we figured out she meant, “Toyon.” So then I was on my way to the bathroom and I ran into Jamie. So I stopped to show her the finished scarf for Curtis and then Tricia stopped with us. So then this crazy lady stopped and asked me if I was going to knit in the rain. And then she just kept talking on and on. About how she knows all about us folks and how we gave her rides and food. And then she talked about her boat getting destroyed and how she lost all 10 pairs of her shoes and how someone stole her boat motor. Then she talked about knitting with her umbrella. And something about a family member who’s been making her an afghan (though she called it an Afghanistan) for two years and she might have to go to another country to get it. And then she got excited because there’s some store on Front St. that had high heeled jellies for 50% off.

11/28/04 - A real day off, no ISPs, no walking to town. Though Matt, Steve, and I did decide to hike the Lone Tree Trail. But the road there was way longer than we thought so we never made it to the end. We stopped at a scenic overlook of sorts and had lunch. And I had cell phone service there so I called Curtis. Then we walked back and there was a meeting about the portfolio and the debrief. Then there were hamburgers for dinner.

yay team!

the truck:

the chipper (and tzippi):

buffalo corral:

catalina island, americorps, movies, thanksgiving, california, concerts, hiking, isp, buffalo, pictures, dreams, museums, brush clearance, celebrity dreams

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