
Oct 14, 2004 18:23

so i'm watching some sort of commercial about an article to vote on in the upcoming election. prop 70 to be exact. so the commerical is wrong on so many levels. it's saying something about having "indians" paying less taxes then they now are, that they are overtaxed. and that sounds good except for they keep referring to native americans as "indians." but then it all goes downhill with the statement, "let's keep gambling on reservations and out of our neighborhoods."

here's a few of the arguments for the proposition:

"Proposition 70 will provide billions of dollars to the State and will restrict tribal gambling to Indian reservations. Both the taxpayers and Indians win: Tribes pay the same amount as every other business pays in state income taxes; in return, they can operate their casinos. That's only fair!"

yes of course! we'll let them operate their casinos on their own personal reservations. you know, the ones they chose to be in anyway.

and of course another site says this:
"The wealthy Indian gaming tribes behind Prop 70 want you to believe this measure will force tribes to "pay their fair share."

The truth is that it gives these Indian gaming tribes a 99-year monopoly on gambling without ever having to pay their fair share to the state. If Prop 70 passes, it will be almost impossible to change."

yes, i'm sure that the Native Americans are all for this Prop.

argh. i can't seem to find anything concrete. people keep saying Native Americans are for and against. and the same goes for arnold.

so PT has been canceled for tomorrow. woo hoo! though it's because of all the smoke in the air so that's not good. and i have a rant about this morning's PT. so i dont know about the rest of you, but i dont think it's a good idea to go from not running running 1.5 miles everyday. seems to me that's the way to get hurt. so what did they do today? they doubled our running mileage from 1.5 to 3.1 miles. that's insane. and without any warning. i figured that we were going to run 2 or something. i mean i still did it in 32 minutes which seems to be pretty good but it was crazy. it's mostly cuz i had an awesome running buddy, yay ashley!

so today was more red cross training. which was incredibly boring. and the presenter kept treating us like we were twelve.

americorps, training, politics, pt, commercials

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