grr, lj finally fixed itself. even though my paid time had expired it was still letting me access all of my icons...until today.
now i'm tired and dont feel like talking much about yesterday. so i'll make this quick. went to the dali museum and we took a tour which was good because we got to learn stuff about dali and see stuff in the paintings that we might not have seen otherwise. then we went to the pier where curtis and i went to the aquarium, saw another art exhibit, and then ate at cha cha coconuts at the top. i also bought a birthday present for kim. on the way out we saw some pelicans, i got a few really good pictures. then we went and picked up my check and then went to USF campus where there was some more artsy stuff going on. then we hung out in somebody's office while we listened to a band. then we went to a probate. that was about it. then today i just got up and worked.
tomorrow i'm going to bunnell for the Habitat for Humanity dedication of the house that we worked on during Spring Break.
here's that cute boyfriend of mine sitting on the Dali bench:
at the aquarium, my camera is awesome:
this pelican had a hurt foot which is why it's standing at an angle.