Jun 18, 2004 14:25
...in the dark, random alley...
stupid spiderman 2.
so i'm currently in curtis' office using his internet because we've been out of internet service since a stupid storm on tuesday. so i had to pay my credit card bill by 3:00 p.m. so it would take effect in time.
so i figured that i'd update my livejournal while i'm here. but i dont remember most of the stuff that i have to say.
i finished reading Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. i'm going to have a big review of all the books that i've read at the end of the summer. but right now i'll just say that i really enjoyed it. then i went and rented the movie and it was pretty good too. of course it wasn't as good as the book. but that's because the whole first part of the book are different chapters introducing new people that he's met in savannah. of course the movie had to start off with the second part where the real story started. it made me want to live in savannah even more than normal. hehe.
so the job thing isnt going too well. but that might just be because i'm impatient and i hate waiting. i need a job because it's boring without one. and because my last paycheck from f.y.e. was just deposited into my account. and i'm pretty sure that the last paycheck from the library was also deposited. now the library thing is pretty good considering that i stopped working there before i graduated. that's the only good about the delayed pay system at school.
i applied at like nine places at the mall and apparently i wasn't qualified to be a sales associate at JC Penny's. but i think that's mostly because i had to say that i'd only be there for a few months.
went bowling last night and met a bunch of curtis' friends. i suck at bowling but luckily one of our lanes gave you points even if you didnt hit any pins. haha. the lowest score that it gave someone was a six. all you had to do was knock down the first three pins and it gave you a strike. it was great.
i think that's all. who knows when i'll get to update again.
job searching,