Holy Snot! The fish didn't make it!

Jun 13, 2004 00:48

the first being what USA decided to substitute in Mallrats instead of Holy Shit! and the second referring the fact that poor Phineas has died, but more on that in a moment. so here i am in florida. after a cool little mini-road trip. but i guess since the last time i updated was a long-ass friend only post the thursday before last, i should write something about what's happened since then.

so i was sposed to be transcribing letters to help out a friend of norma's but sadly that never happened. and i dont know why.

so basically i worked for six days straight. then i picked up curtis from delaware and then spent the night at erin's house. on my last day of work john would not let go of my arm. and when he finally did let go he chased me out of the store, "NOOO! DON'T GO!!!" so i reminded him that he just ran out of the store on the clock in front of a manager. then he went back inside. and Nazli kept talking to me on wednesday and every time she talked she got more and more high pitched babbling on about how it wasn't fair and it was a disaster, lol.

so then thursday morning, curtis, erin and i, met kim, jason and my mom at IHOP for a farewell breakfast. then i went home and collected all my stuff. and benjamin and i had a long conversation about how he wants a hamster. and he can't have a gerbil because they are black and white and he has to have a "lellow" hamster because "lellow" is his favorite color. then i stopped at umbc to drop off a final copy of my thesis (well two to be bounded, one to be put on the shelf in the conference room and one for myself) and then we were off.

we stopped in charlotte, NC to meet greg, a friend that i met online at the beginning of my freshman year. so he and his roomate went to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. on a whole i rather enjoyed it, it didnt seem as childish as the rest did. there was a lot of great imagery and fade-ins and stuff like that. the only thing i had a slight problem with was that they seemed to have move things around at hogwarts (like the whomping willow wasn't in the same place, neither was hagrid's cabin) and they didnt really explain anything about Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. i'm going to read the book again and then i can see what else the movie left out. so then we dropped erin off at her friend's house and curtis and i chilled at greg's for the night. greg got us breakfast from Jack in the Box in the morning.

then we went to savannah. and it was cool. because i love savannah. all the SPANISH MOSS, oh yea and there's cool houses and stuff. so we wandered around aimlessly, mostly my wandering and took pictures of cool stuff. then we went to this one house, the Owens-Thomas house. and we did the little guided tour thingy and it was cool, cept for they wouldnt let you take any pictures. the coolest (or strangest thing, depending) about the house was how the architect made it so symetrical that if there was a door on one side there had to be one on the other side even if it didnt go anywhere. there were at least four fake doors in the house. lol. and the walls were 2 feet thick. then we went to the telfair art museum. yay for student discounts. then we went to this burger place and on the menu it said that the kid's menu was for children under 12 and "starving college students with valid ID." lol. so we got back to the car and found phineas was dead. i made sure to put his little container out of the sunlight and under something else but apparently that rule about not leaving pets in cars applies to fish as well.

then we drove a little bit and stayed the night in south georgia. so today on our drive down to tampa we saw a ghetto limo, complete with blue flames, and a bike rack. lol. we stopped in bunnell and visited joan and mike and saw the worksites where habitat was working during spring break. i took some pictures and gave joan and mike t-shirts and they have invited me back up for the dedication, that would be awesome.

and then we got to tampa. but i made sure to go and buy a new fish (Phineas II) because i had a bowl and it would look stupid without a fish in it. and i got a bunch of job applications and then i filled them out.

the end.

florida, movies, fye, thesis, eating, road trip, charlotte, historic place, fish, savannah, letters

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