so first i went to library media for two hours. basically i just sat there and typed up summaries for the dvds that we have (i.e. i just typed up whatever it said on the back of the box). oh and i had people yell at me because i couldnt find videos. like this one guy comes, i look for the video, it's not there. it says in the computer that it's on hold so i send him to the circ desk. he comes back and tells me it's not there. and i'm like "well it's not here either and it hasnt been returned in the past five minutes." then this other girl came up to get her locker key. this year the library decided to put the media department in charge of assigning lockers. so you fill out an application and when you get approved they send you a letter. it says clearly on this letter "bring this letter and your UMBC ID to the Media Desk in person to receive your locker key. and yes, it was underlined and bolded in the actual letter. so this girl comes up:
BG = Bitchy Girl
LMB = Library Media Boss
Me = duh
BG: I'm here about the lockers.
Me: Did you get a letter?
BG: Yes.
Me: I need to see the letter and your UMBC ID.
BG: I don't have the letter.
Me: I can't give you a locker key without the letter.
BG: *sighs* You can't look me up in a database or something.
Me: That doesn't matter. Looking you up would only confirm the fact that you have a locker, that's what the letter means. I can't give you a locker key without the letter.
BG: *sighs louder* I have my ID.
Me: I can't give you a locker key without the letter.
BG starts to pack up: Is there someone else I can talk to?
I get the Boss...
LMB: We can't give you a locker key without the letter.
BG: But it's just a piece of paper.
LMB: You need the letter.
BG: Well what if I lost it?
LMB: What's your last name? I'll send you a new one.
my goodness. and i'm sure i said the whole thing about not being able to give her a key at least five times. and of course she just glares as us as she leaves. BITCH.
okay so then on to my quiz in child dev & culture. actually, before that i sat in a chair in the library for 45 minutes and stared at my study guide and fell asleep. so then to the quiz. it was so dumb. there was one question that sucked so bad...but the rest werent all that bad. we had the whole class period and it took me 15 minutes. oh and the extra credit question? yea, the same practice question she showed us in class on tues.
then i tried to figure out some habitat stuff. and someone tried to coerce me into giving up my last free night because service organizations need another representative in the senate. yea. how about no.
then i went to villa maria. it was good as usual. though one kid that i havent seen have problems flipped out right at the end of the night.
then i came back and went and fucked around with my data for a while. it wasnt really working out the way it was sposed to. (not like i'm analyzing it and i'm not getting the results i want...). i was still trying to make variables and they just were working right and the stupid SPSS kept dying on me. then i made it back across campus via the dining hall in one gigantic story and managed not to fall asleep.
so i have an interview at the children's place on tues at 4:30. i guess there's no harm in going in for an interview. it just depends on what they are willing to pay me and whether or not they are going to give me off spring break. if not, no big deal i'll just put up with fye until summer. i wasnt going to call them back. but they called me again this time on my cell phone and not at my house. so maybe it's meant to be or whatever, if you believe in that stuff. so i scheduled the interview after i stopped home. when i stopped home i mentioned that the children's place had called me again and my dad said i should call them and tell them if i'm not interested. and i explained that i wasnt sure if i wanted to switch jobs so near the end of school or whatever. and my stepmom asked me if i was going to work at fye over the summer and i said no. and then she said something about me living at home and then asked, "are you living here over the summer?" and i said i didnt know. and she mentioned something about saving money or whatever. grr. i know they are going to guilt trip me even if they arent doing it on purpose. but erin put it in perspective, hehe, "either you're going to work at a crap job around here, or you're going to work at a crap job in florida, so you're not really changing your plans all that much." lol.
and now as if this entry isnt long enough already:
1.Your Live Journal "user name" & what it means
it was my first screenname. m for megan...smiles cuz i like smiley faces and uh three random numbers.
2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your Live Journal represent who you actually are?
prolly a 7 right now. cuz i cant really write about the stuff that goes on at villa maria for confidentiality reasons.
3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
when i get around to updating usually whatever i can remember
4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
not really, i just screen out who can read what
5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others
gitty seems to think it's very for the rest, prolly a 7 again.
6. From who/how did you find out about LJ?
Chris, he had one and then told me i couldnt read it. so of course i had to get one.
7. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
epogurl, existancever4_1, idunno03, nsxskyknight (?), stuckatumbc, stuckinthe80s2
and jason too if he would ever get around to actually signing up.
8. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
it just depends on what's going on
9. What is your favourite interest on LJ?
watermelon shorts and library sluts
10. How often do you respond to/comment on other peoples' journals?
i'll get in a commenting mood every once in a while but i dont think i comment all that much
11. Do you prefer to write in your journal, read other journals?
read others
12. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?
13. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?
yea, some girl who left a comment in my journal about a sex toy party she was hosting
14. Who are your favourite LJ friend(s) and why?
i dont have favorites, i like them all the same... :-P except maybe for greg cuz he never ever updates...
16. How many of your LJ friends have you actually met?
the majority of them: brettbrett, epogurl, erinrosalie, existancever4_1, freakscout, gittygiggles, greektkdman, idunno03, littledrummrboy, missscorpion, mrgoon, mysterioustokyo, nicocacola97, nsxskyknight, pippryn, poetryqueen, snob0ard3r1, stuckatumbc, taliaiar, thisisnttaken, toothgnipgoat, wanna_disco, woap, x_ina, yummypunkstar, zahyr, zark
17. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
i dunno, i relate to a lot of things that thisisnttaken has to say
18. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
usually cuz i know them in real life. but sometimes because i stumble upon them randomly through a community and their livejournal is rather amusing
19. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?
no. but if they were to comment and say that they added me i might.
20. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
because they have randomly friended me and have a fake annoying journal under the username "shaniqua"
21. Is your "significant other" on LJ?
yep, littledrummrboy
22. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?
i want to meet greg. but i've wanted to meet him before he got an lj.
You're David Copperfield!
by Charles Dickens
Coming up from a childhood that felt abusive, you have risen through
hard work to gain a place of stature in your life. You've spent altogether too much time
in factories and end up misspelling a fair number of words. But in general you are seen
as a beacon of hope for others who might not be as fortunate. Lots of people keep
mistaking you for a magician and are waiting for you to disappear.
Take the
Book Quizat the
Blue Pyramid.
msmiles662's LiveJournal Friend Stats I
Biggest digital packrat:
taliaiar Most easily-distracted:
johnnystiletto Most friendly:
johnnystiletto Most popular:
woap Most communities:
woap Oldest on LJ:
erinrosalie Newest to LJ:
wanna_disco What Are YOUR LiveJournal Friend Stats? (Beta - May be slow for those with large friends lists)