see when my hardrive totally died i hadnt had time to transfer over microsoft works. and since before i actually needed to save space on my computer i had saved a lot of stuff in MS Works because it was smaller. but none of the MS Works files will open right in Office XP so i zipped the MS Works off the family computer and then i have to send it to someone so that when school starts and i get my own computer hooked up to the internet they can send it back to me. why can't i just get someone from my house to send it to me online? because my dad is the worst person with computers ever. he can play hearts and solitaire, anything internet related is not going to happen.
so apparently gallagher is running for office in california now. i love him.
yea so noticing upon skimming that there are a few redundant questions...oh well, i have 102 minutes to waste. i mean i just couldnt spend that time packing or something...
The Basics-
Full Name: Megan Elizabeth Smell
Nickname: Megs
Birthday: Dec 20, 1982
Height: 5'4"
Eye Color: hazelish
Natural Hair Color: light brownish
Current Hair Color: light brownish
School: UMBC
Grade: college senior!!! oh yeah!
Nationality: pennsylvania dutch (ok, amish, there i said it), german, slovakian
Shoe size: 8
Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats
Status: single
Location: baltimore, md
Transportation: 99 ford escort
Lefty/righty: right
Scars: 4, one from a rock in a river, one from a mean girl scout who pushed me up against the side of the pool, two from a nasty cat
Birth marks: none
Glasses: need them
Braces: middle school, early high school
-Girls fill this out about the guys-
First thing you look at: smile, eyes
Best Quality: sense of humor
Boxers or Briefs: boxers
Older or Younger: doesnt really matter
Hair long or short: no preference
Rugged or Pretty Boy: rugged
Tall or Short: not too much taller than me
Dark or Light Hair: light
Piercings: eyebrow piercings are hot
Facial Hair: depends on the guy
Good or Bad-Boy: good
Abs or Butt or Arms: butt
-Guys fill this out about the girls-
First thing you notice:
Best Quality:
Tight pants or short skirt:
Covered up or showing:
Tall or short:
Straight or Curly Hair:
Light or Dark Hair:
Dressy or Laid Back:
Older or Younger:
Good or Bad Girl:
Prissy or Tomboy:
Slim or Full:
Chest or Butt or Legs:
Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Mars bar or Milky Way: milky way
Tootsie roll pop or Blow pop: tootsie roll
Rainy or Shiny Day: (sun)shiny
Ice-cream or layer cake: ice cream
Movie Theater or Rent: depends on the movie
Wake up early or Go to bed late: bed late
Devils or Rangers: neither
BSB or NSYNC: nsync
Pants or Shorts: pants
Short or Long skirt: long
Bath or Shower: shower
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Black and White or Color: color
Hot or Cold: cold
Winter or summer: winter
Sing or Dance: sing
Ocean or pool: ocean
Pool or Hot Tub: pool
Sunrise or Sunset: sunset
Dressed or Undressed: dressed
Go out or Stay in: stay in
Ski or Board: Board. neither
Regular wrestle or w/ Mud: regular
Love or Lust: love
Hard or Soft: soft
Cats or Dogs: both
High or Low: high
Read or Write: both
Kiss or Hug: hug
Night or Day: night
Roller Coaster fun or scary: fun
One or Two Pillows: 2
Male or Female: either
Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy: poor and happy
Finger or Toe: finger
CD or Tape: CD
Pen or Pencil: pen
Money or fame: fame
Mustang or limo: mustang
Snow or ice: snow
Billy Madison, Waterboy, or Little Niki: BILLY MADISON (Shampoo is better! Stop looking at me swan!)
7up or Sprite: sprite
Blue toilet paper or white: white
Looks or personality: personality
Will Smith or Kobe Bryant: will smith
- Have you ever (feel free to share stories).... -
Been in love: no
Gotten arrested: no, but almost...
Cried in a movie: yes
Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes
Taken Drugs: no
Skipped School: twice (i know i'm such a rebel)
Went to a Concert: yes
Peed your bed: when i was really little
Been on the beach at night: yup, love it
Ran around outside naked: no
Done something and not remembered it the next day: sorta
Stayed at home for no reason: yes
Watched porn: yes
Gone skinny dipping: no
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell: yes
Stolen something: not exactly
Met someone famous: GAVIN DEGRAW! GAVIN DEGRAW!
Been on the radio or television: both, on the radio requesting a song, on tv bopping my head to the music and eating lunch during a umbc chess club pep rally, yea we're dorks
Intentionally hurt another person: no
Ate paste: in elementary school
Stepped on a nail: yes
Walked barefoot in the snow: no
Had a pen explode in your mouth: no
Made up a word without realizing it: yes
Had sex: no
Drank: yes
Been drunk: yes
Smoked: no
Been High: no
Broken a bone: no
Had a girlfriend/boyfriend: yes
Cheated on a b/f or g/f?: no
Shoplifted: no
Pissed behind a bush: a tree
Been stoned: no
Been stood up: yes
Done something so outrageously stupid: yes
Purposely gotten in trouble but you didn't care because it was worth it: yes
Kissed anyone: yes
Kissed more than one person at the same time: no
Kissed someone of the same sex: no
Kissed a random person for fun: no
Done something "interesting" while playing truth or dare: no
Egged a house/ mailbox.. or person?: no
Been so lazy that you watched infomercials on TV because you couldn't reach the remote: yes
Prank called someone: no
Been pregnant: no
-Do you ever-
Watch the Home Shopping Network: yes
Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself for a prolonged period of time: yes
Listen to the Backstreet Boys: yes
Dream: yes
Start fights: no
Wish you were someone else: sometimes
Feel like you're lost: sometimes
Feel worthless: a long time ago
Complain: yes
-Do you like-
Bugs: lightning bugs yes
Surprises: yes
Company: yes
Family: some of them, more extended
Kids: yes
New things: yes
-When was the last time you...
Cried: um...yesterday :(
Wore a skirt: sometime last semester when i had to be dressed up for something
Been sarcastic: never, i'm never sarcastic
Met someone new: last wednesday
Fought w/ your parents: it's actually been a while
Wished upon a star: forever ago
Laughed until you cried: i dont remember
Made a fool of yourself: not recently
-Random Questions-
Were you named after anyone: my middle name is after my Aunt Libby
Which finger is your favorite: uh...i dont have one but the middle finger is sorta fun...:-P
If you were making a movie about yourself, would you play you: janeane garofalo
Do you like your handwriting: sometimes
Who are you jealous of: some people
What is the 1st priority in your life: helping others
What is your main goal in life: graduate from college, start my own psychological practice
What is your favorite lunchmeat: bologna
Any bad habits: worrying too much
What store would you never be caught dead in: abercrombie & fitch
If you were another person, would you be friends with you: yea
Are you a daredevil: nope
Do you follow or lead: depends on what i'm doing
What do you do to vent anger: write, talk to people
Are you passive or aggressive: passive aggressive
Who is your idol: dont have one
Who is your second family: my friends
Do you trust others easily: too easily sometimes
What was your favorite toy as a child: barbies
What class in school do you think was totally useless: eleventh grade social studies, i dont even remember what it was called
Do you have a journal: yes
Do you like sarcasm: yes unless it's being used towards me...:-P
What is your name spelled backwards: nagem
If you could steal anyone's name, whose would it be: i dont know
What do your favorite pair of socks look like: black and sparkly, with toes
Do you wash your face: yes
Are you fond of ducks: yes
Do spoons make you smile: um, no
What's the weirdest thing in your wallet/purse: a card that says "do it now, before they make it illegal"
When life gives you lemons, what do you do with them: put a peppermint in them and suck on it
If you ruled the world, what 3 things would you do: make bush live on the streets, end war, feed and clothe everyone
If you could change any one thing about yourself what would it be: feel better about myself
Do you have a special someone: kinda sorta
If so who: curtis
If not, do u have a crush: see above
If so, who: see above
Who is the prettiest/hottest person you know: tim
Do you like to eat hot pockets: yes
If so, what kind: chicken & brocolli
Do you watch a lot of tv: not really
What is your favorite show: the daily show
-If you were stranded on a desert island:-
Who's the one person you would want to be stuck with: i have to think that everyone would start getting annoying if i were stuck with them for an extended period of time
If you could bring 5 people who would they be: probably whoever would come with me
What 3 CDs would you bring: "Chariot" by Gavin DeGraw, "Harmful if Swallowed" by Dane Cook, "Evolution" by Martina McBride
What 3 things would you bring: tent, a boat, a hammock
Do you believe in deja vu: yup
-Food Questions-
Do you like fish sticks: ew no, i think i was forced to eat too many when i was younger, so now i hate them
If so, do you prefer them crunchy or soggy: yuck
Have you ever put something into someone else's food: no
If so, would you care to share the story with us:
Ever set off a smoke alarm while cooking: no
-About your best friend-
Their name: kim
Where do you know them from: high school
What quality or qualities do they possess that you envy: confidence
What do you think might happen in their future: happiness
Do you think you'll keep in touch with them in the future: yes i hope so
What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think about them: lucky
Do you think they are attractive: yes
An inside joke that you share: "i can't believe i forgot my mom"
Primary Color: purple (i dont care if it's not a primary color)
Emotion: happiness
Time of day to eat: when i'm hungry
Time of day to eat cookies: when i want cookies
Shape of sponge: i dont use a sponge, i have a poof
Book from your childhood: goodnight moon
Adhesive: masking tape
Coloring utensil: gel pens
Food: grilled cheese
Drink: mountain dew
Color: purple
Snack: crackers
Dessert: ice cream
Animal: red panda
Holiday: christimas
Sports: hockey, baseball
Store: old navy
School Subject: psychology
Cereal: peanut butter crunch
Book: anything by torey hayden, timeline by michael crighton
Flower: lilacs, hyacinths
Vegetable: cucumber
Seasons: fall
Day: friday
Actor: orlando bloom
Actress: janeane garofalo
Band/Group/Singer: gavin degraw
Cartoon Character: garfield
Song: "follow through" by gavin degraw
Tv show: the daily show
Place to vacation that you've actually been: savannah
Electronic device: cd player
Website(s): livejournal
Movie: princess bride
Number: 13
Card game: egyptian rat screw
Pro basketball team: none
Pro baseball team: orioles
Pro football team: none
College basketball team: none
College baseball team: none
College football team: none
Money: i need some more
Prostitution: "you're just a buffet of safety." "i'm the safety girl."
Gum: minty
Blue: sky
Porn: & chicken
Frogs: poison dart
The X-Files: david duchovny
Girl: mean
Red: danger
Candy: skittles
Weird: slime
Santa: beard
Hanson: yea let's not talk about them
Duck: how i exclaimed that i wanted to be one when i was next to the pond at umbc and ppl started to look at me funny
Cookie: chocolate chip
Rainbows: gold
-Yes or No-
Do you believe in love at first sight: nope
Get married: yes
Do you want kids: yes
~how many? 2
Do you like anyone at the present time: yes
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: only when i'm lonely
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
Do you like sleeping: yes
Do u have anything peirced?: ears
Do you pluck your eyebrows: yes
-Who of your friends is...-
Is the wild and crazy one: sarah
Smartest: andy
Friendliest: all of them are friendly
Raunchiest: chris
Kinkyest: brandon
Has the funniest laugh: sarah
Has a dog: i do
Has a pool: jim
Snorts: i dunno
Snores: i dunno
Who are your siblings: christopher
What are their ages: 15
How old are your parents: uh, dont know
Do you get along with your rents: when i dont have to live here
Do you have any favorite cousins? i dont see them all that much
Do you have any pets: yes
Who of your family lives the furthest away: uncle in washington
Are your parents together or divorced: divorced
Do you have any steps, halfs, whole siblings: stepsister
In your family who are you closest to: mom
Do you associate with other relatives: yup
-More Stuff....-
Do you like your belly: def not
What is your favorite topping on ice cream: sprinkles
How often do you brush your teeth: twice a day
What is the craziest thing you have ever done in your life: whip-creamed cars
If there was one person who is now dead that you could bring back who would it be: tara
If you had one wish that would come true what would it be? someone to pay for my college
What are your screen names: purplecrazydaze
What color is your carpet: beige
What color is your house: blue
Where do you live: baltimore md
Is your room big or small: big, but i have so much furniture
What can't you live without: food & water
Who can't you live without: friends
Would you be lost with out your mom : no
Would you be lost with out your dad: no
Do you sleep with any thing: nope
What kind of tooth paste do you use: whatever my parents buy
Worst holiday: easter
Why: church
Best holiday: christmas
Why: cuz my bday is right around there
What is your biggest fear: rejection, being alone
Quotes: "worrying does not empty tomorrow of it's troubles, it empties today of it's strength."
Your saying: *shrugs*
Your word: retarded
The word you say to much: retarded
Favorite thing to hear: music
Favorite thing to say: dunno
What you are going to do now that you are finally finished: pack...maybe