Good weekend vibes...

Mar 15, 2002 16:37

Just-a-winding down the work week. I have an appointment to meet Pat and Lance to look at a few houses right after work tonight. Pat just got back from Las Vegas so there's been a week-long lull in the house hunting. I didn't mind the break.
I had no idea how quickly houses sold in this town. We put an offer in a few weeks back on a place that was on the market for one week. Someone else beat us to the listing agent w/an an accepted offer by ONE hour. Options are coming in on a regular basis, but that was the only one that we acted on w/urgency. Granted, Pat does not have a plethora of homes available in his small agency, but he does have the insiders info in working with other agents.
I don't think I could duplicate last weekend's laid back, fun time this weekend. Many college friends in town from all over the world, literally, socializing on Friday and Saturday. Lots of bonding with the moms and lots of advice in that crowd. Then, on Sunday, I took my brother up on his offering of prime "Jack Nicholson"-esque tickets to the Bucks game. It was great to see Ray Allen up close. He is so fabulous. What was really interesting was when Antiono Freeman came into the game and sat in seats right next to our section. He's not the favorite Packer these days as was evidenced by the die hard WI sports fans negative Antonio commentary around me. I don't get that armchair quarterback, point guard, etc. mentality. The guy fans who get a few (or a six pack of) Miller Lights in them and start bad mouthing what they consider to be "sub par" pro football players attending games or start heckling pro basketball players as they are walking through the tunnel to the locker room when "their" team loses. (We sat right next to the tunnel so I heard it all.) The athletes, despite their multi million salaries, are simply human beings, doing their jobs and will have "off" days. I would never be able to take that type of criticism from my supervisor or parties interested in the job I am doing.
Anyhoo, what was most fabulous about the Bucks game was talking at length to my brother's friend and his wife who sat in the other two seats. They have a two year old daughter and shared all kinds of stories and info and were just so incredibly informative and supportive, even after just meeting them for the first time at the game. It was a great weekend for bonding, overall, I would say.
More good vibes, my "morning" sickness is chilling out. I haven't gotten sick in awhile, just little bouts of nausea here and there. Yay!

pregnancy, wisconsin, extended family, friends, weekend

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