The tide is high

Jun 10, 2016 11:31

I left my job of 16 years at the end of March. I was shell shocked through the end of May. I am finally free. It helps that a job I have been working on securimg is finally at a revenue point of happening and also, I picked up a a part time job from networking with a college friend who I usually run into every 5 years. He is my Wisconsin transplant friend, grew up a few exits from Rutgers University and I still remember when he told me that at a Rutgers-UW football game in 1989.

The only way to find quality work in my industry is through networking. I did not find my last job through networking and spent the last 16 years of my life thinking I needed to work there because I have been working since the age of 14, it provided an income we needed...only it was also extremely toxic with sexual harassment by creepy old men and rampant with nepotism which didn't really help career progression for outsiders like me. Like anywhere, there were a few good eggs and the job itself was very good with value to society. It's frustrating to see how much the medical industry is manipulated and held back but still, good people doing good work as far as all the great clinicians I met and continue to be friends with.

Post job departure, I had to do some personal growth to eliminate the working mom regret I suffered when I was able to take a better look at the travel I had to do. When my kids were very small. But, I also had Fridays from home during those pre school days and traveled 4-5 times a year for only a few days...far less than any account manager I know. I hated it as it grew to be more and more each year and they needed a road runner more than ever when I had to step off. I didn't even really enjoy holidays with my family as it involved more was quite the dichotomy and I didn't want to turn into a weary traveler.

Upon departure I kept it diplomatic and real and some others tried to too. I am happy I left.

My husband was not down with me leaving that job. Even though it was not uncommon for me to have to delay a flight (on my company's dime!) due to some last minute concern or grievance by him. I am still processing all of that and figuring out how life will work for us. I do recognize that he is much happier and lighter in his own work and life now that I am at home, not only managing the kids' schedules, but being more thoughtful and present in our days.

My dear, saintly dad also passed away in the middle of all my "separation agreement" negotiations with the old job so that really gave me some perspective on life.

I hope to secure FT employment to supplement the PT work I'm doing at the end of summer. Not before. We'll see.


Like the rest of the world, I am extremely disgusted and find it very hard to be amused at the reappearance of "vote for the least vile candidate" election cycle. What the fuck is going on? We need to break this cycle, if not for the kids, for our own elderly asses someday. Hilary, that bitch, needs to release all the correspondence she created on the taxpayers dime while doing a horribly shitty job as SOS. I almost feel sorry for her poor, mousy husband after following her latest bullshit. She sucks ass and I am insulted by everyone who plays the gender card and tell them to their faces. She is a horrible example of a human being, "history making" (ie: election stealing) woman or not. The worst part is many of the her corporate or international donors have bought her nomination despite the fact that their interests run 180 degrees from basic principals of this country. If she gets elected, I will seriously find work elsewhere and pull an Alec Baldwin, but for real. This isn't my German ancestor's country anymore and having her in office would be like watching a train wreck.
And, I even supported her and Bill back in the early 90s. That era helped us all realize how train wreck they could take the limit. So good.

Donald Trump...I don't even know any republicans who support his reality TV ass. It's scary how much the Kardashians and their ilk have a hold on our society.

I am only supporting Bernie...the candidate who technically would have won the nomination had his opponent not been from the worst family in the history of presidential politics. I don't agree with his big government or think that college education isn't worth paying or working for to some extent, but Paul Ryan can keep him in check there. I have never been forced to "register" with any party and even when I considered myself a big D, I voted for one R for House of Representatives. Independent all the way...I don't get the states that require you to "register" for a specific party? This is so dated. Especially now that Hilary has shined a light on the reality of corporate politics in the egregious campaign she's run. Citizens need to select options based on their background and family and goals for this country and not in the manner of a "party following" (is there really any distinction these days) drone. This is why God gave us critical thinking capabilities as a part of our overall profile. We need to show more respect to the freedoms we are given as citizens instead of caged rats.

Checks and balances, people. In all areas.

america the beautiful, zen goals, working mom, work trips, spirituality

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