Community Supported Agriculture

Mar 13, 2008 13:33

My coworker friend just came in and showed me the reimbursement we can get through our health insurance if we participate in CSA.
Hello, there!

I want us to eat better, but I have a feeling we'd be throwing a lot of the weekly ration away. The place coworkie is hookin' up with provides recipes with their weekly shipments, which does add more appeal.

I rely so much on frozen vegetable bags these days. And, salad bags. And every time I go into the warehouse grocery that is suppose to have good produce, I find little that looks appealing. It is an exercise in patience to even walk into that store and the effort involved is usually not worth the "deals"...and as far as "good" produce, it all depends on your timing. Our run down the road grocery is typically always a miss this time of year.
Yes, despite all the hormones they inject into produce to get it up here, it still looks like crap and goes bad quickly...go figure.

I could always just go to the little fru fru cheese and produce store to get some fresh stuff, too. I do have options that don't require me to lock into weekly turnips and other roots we normally wouldn't eat. But, it sounds an adventure, sort of.

Must look over this and decide soon. This particular CSA group drops one's weekly share of the harvest over at the local micro brewery too, which makes it even more appealing. :)

gardening, food

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