Sep 22, 2004 09:49
So i am really busy....which has become a staple in my life since school started. I got a 94 on my Anthroplpogy test which rocks!!! I am very nervous about my Econ mind just doesnt understand that subject at all. I could read the same paragraph nine times and it wont sink in. What sucks even more is that i have ZERO time to study for it today. Well not counting right now...but i had to get on the computer to print slides....5 minutes tops....anywho so yea i have a doctor appnt at 3 and then i have to be at work at 5 and i dont get off until 10:30-11ish. Then tomorrow i have to be up at 7 to go take my test. UGH!!! And i am very nervous about this doctors of those female appts....I hate them!!!! Poking around in places that they shouldnt is not fun. Plus last time she made me go get blood drawn and i cried like a baby the whole time. I DONT WANNA GO!!! :( Then on Sunday i am training for front office. I can totally see myself screwing that up. Ugh what a glorious week. I hate stress.