Rocking it old school

May 30, 2008 14:22

Last night, for no reason that I can really appreciate, I put on my old glasses before I went to bed. Why? Because I was messing with my hair and trying on lipsticks . . . don't look at me like that. Other people have to put on lipstick before bed to see how it looks with the slightly 1940s hair they've got going on and also because their vintage hat collection was sitting there on the dresser and needed to be put on.

Ahem. Anyway, I slapped the old oval wonders on and it was a blast from the past. Not because I had an appealing 1930s librarian thing happening, but because it was high school all over again.

Unfortunately, I cannot find the picture from sophomore year where I have my hair the same way. You'll have to settle for my senior picture.


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