Whoa, adrenaline rush!

Apr 05, 2008 19:18

Lately, I've been in a frame of mind to embrace myself as nature made me: hair, pimples, blemishes, bruises and all. So what if I've got a little upper lip hair? For centuries women didn't rip off every strand of hair from the eyebrows down, and they were beautiful, all the same. Having body hair is part of being an adult female, and damned if I'm going to wash down the drain proof that I've made it through puberty. Hear me proclaim my hirsute femininity!

Yeah, yeah. That would all be great if I didn't have skin the color of notebook paper and hair that is just short of being black. Hirsute femininity is for blondes. Guys, I currently have the sort of moustache that would incite envy in a 14-year-old boy.

I know they say the Pelt Belt stretches from India into the Mediterranean, but I'm convinced that it has pockets in the area of Germany formerly known as Prussia. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Germans? Yeah, right! My ancestors were downright swarthy, my friends. And the swarthiness came with a penchant for girls of the Black Irish persuasion, resulting in super-pale, easily sunburnt, green-eyed, dark-haired me. And, dammit, I'm hairy.

So I shaved my legs this morning for the first time in . . . let's just say a long time. Winter in Wisconsin is enough of a pain with the dryness and all that I don't need to be scraping my legs with sharp metal three times a week. But today was the first truly spring-like day this year, so off with pants and off with leg hair!

But back to that moustache thing. I bought a waxing kit today, and I'm about to plunge into a world of pain. I've used those pre-waxed strips before, and those took off skin but no hair. So I still had the upper lip hair, but also had a big patch of irritated, red skin underneath it. I'm hoping that Sally Hansen Honey Wax Hair Remover for Face will be a better experience than the Sally Hansen Strips of Pure Pain were.

Wish me luck! If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it's because I no longer have an upper lip.


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