Ta da!

Sep 01, 2010 00:53

And crossposting from DW to LJ is enabled!

What I've done for now is set it up so comments on LJ are disabled, and everyone who was on my friends list on LJ has commenting access on DW with Open ID. DW has a little guide to setting up Open ID here. Basically, what it does is allow you to comment on things using your ID from one site at other sites. It's super easy to set up -- do not be afraid of Open ID.

I'll still be reading my friends list at LJ and participating in comms, etc. there. It's just that all my entries will be posted at DW and mirrored on LJ without comments.

If you already have a DW account, please comment on this entry and I'll add you here. I have five DW codes to give out, so if you'd like a DW account, please comment and I'll pass a code along to you.

ETA: I unlocked this post at DW and I have anonymous commenting enabled, so if you don't want to do the Open ID thing and just want a journal creation code, comment anonymously, but let me know who you are on LJ.

Oh, and I apparently have SIX! journal codes to share at DW, so strike while the iron is hot, folks!

This entry was originally posted at http://msmcknittington.dreamwidth.org/274880.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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