Nov 08, 2008 22:29
So, I've got an hour and a half to get out 1500 words, which I think might be doable. Unfortunately, I no longer have malted milk balls, which really did work well as a motivator. Apparently getting me to sit down and write is exactly like potty-training a toddler. Only I generally don't go running out into the living room with my pants down, screaming, "I wrote! I wrote on the 'puter! Gimme candy!"
You guys know how I arranged all those medieval-ish songs to put me in a medieval-ish mood? Well, apparently what puts me in a medieval-ish mood is Patrick Wolf and the Vitamin String Quartet covering Red Hot Chili Peppers. I am not even joking. I cranked out 2000 words last night, listening to that. I wrote about nuns.
There is something about "Dani California" and "Tristan" that just does not say "nuns" to me.
Whatever! I'm not going to question it. I'm just going to crank it and make like a monkey with a typewriter.
I'm also trying this thing where I write longhand on the cheapest paper I can find, because what I write on there doesn't count at all. I can illustrate a scene with stick figures, and it doesn't matter. I'm just writing. It's about breaking expectations and getting out of the habit of always writing with a certain pen on a certain kind of paper or needing a computer to get the thoughts out. By changing your environment, it's supposed to make you less fearful of what you're tossing up on the page. In theory. I might just feel silly for writing a romance novel in a notepad that features an anthropomorphic bear wearing a shirt but no pants on the cover. Writing that in blue scrapbooking pen, no less. I'm shaking it up!
AND! FURTHERMORE! I've been outlining a scene that happens way in the future of where I'm writing right now, and I cannot get the lines that Benedick speaks to Claudio in "Much Ado About Nothing" when the former confronts the latter about Hero's death. Something like, "You have wronged a fair and gentle lady," except I can't find that scene in my version of the play. Maybe it's just in the Kenneth Branagh version, because it is his delivery on it that's stuck in my head.