Is having Manners a rarity nowadays?

Dec 27, 2005 11:09

Really... Is it? It seems to me that it is. Some people seem to think that they are the only ones in the world and seem not to care at all for the people around them. This is true in restaurants, stores, on the road, and most annoyingly in theaters.... Be they movie theaters or theaters for plays or musicals, ect...

I have read a few times about the problem with cell phones in British Theaters and some people's refusal to turn them off or put them on vibrate. Same thing with movie theaters here and assume across many parts of the world. How hard is it to put your cell on silent or vibrate? If you cannot detach your ear from your cell for at least 2-3 hours then is it TOO much to ask for you to sit on an isle seat, if you are expecting or could receive an emergency call, so that when you feel the phone vibrate you get your lazy ass out of your seat and go OUTSIDE the screening room in order to answer the call?

I do not think that this is too difficult to do at all. It is simply a lack of manners combined with a lot of laziness. Hollywood is complaining about the downturn in ticket sales and theater attendance ... Blaming their woes on Plasma tv's, cheaper home theater systems, dvd sales, pirated dvd sales, higher ticket costs, ect ... However what they fail to realize is that the poor theater experience is turning a lot of people from going to the movies unless its something they REALLY want to see on the big screen.

As an example I shall share two stories, both of which took place this past Sunday... My best friend and I went to a theater in South Miami(never again for me, and this place used to be good) ... Well first up we went to see GoF(I wanted to see it again and it was full too teehee) ... There are these people sitting all the way to the left on the back... #1 the man would talk really loud when he had comments to make, not even bothering to whisper. This wasn't so bad because he wasn't doing it much. However, about 45 mins into the film the woman gets a phone call ... Not only does it ring and she answer but she starts a conversation, talking loud and not even botherin to get up ... A woman in front of her turns around and calls her on her rudeness and asks her to stop talking ... She doesn't stop and so the woman had to ask her 3 times ... When the idiot finally finnished, her idiot boyfriend goes(very loudly, and in Spanish) "Who are you to tell her to be quiet? This is not your House"

Me? My mouth was hanging open as I was not only annoyed but I was downright amazed at their level of stupidity, ignorance and lack of manners .... I mean in that comment he could've slapped himself ... THEY weren't at their house which meant that they should have consideration for others ... Of course after this they started constantly talking, on purpose... Several people got up and went to get ushers ... One came up and asked them to go outside with them and the man, loudly again, says that they did nothing wrong because she got a call and that they paid their money ... So the usher leaves .... Comes back with two more ushers and two cops ...

Me? I am literally bouncing in my seat with glee at their stupid humiliation .... The woman tried to stick her phone in the cop's face and make her understand that she got an important call from Santo Domingo(et tu, Dominicans? ..... Sigh, my family is Dominican, thank goodness the ones I talk to behave in theaters) and the cop lady, firmly but in my mind hilariously tells her "Not.In.Here. Come with me" just like that haha .... So they stopped bitching and got up and left ... Everyone clapped ...

Now ... To another extreme is example #2 ... Ignorant teens .... I shall point no fingers to any demographics or backgrounds cause when teens are stupid it doesn't matter where they come from but we went to see "Brokeback Mountain" I was intrigued because it has gotten such great reviews and my best friend, who is gay, was very excited to watch .... Well about 40 mins into the movie(what is up with the 40 minute mark?) I start hearing a lot of voices and like running and stupid screaming .... About 20 teens(all boys) run into the screening room and running up and down the isles screaming and yelling "You bunch of Lesbians" ...

I swear to you, I sat there and blinked several times before laughing histerically and then getting annoyed ... They were quickly kicked out within a minute or so of running in and after the film everyone was given free re-admission tickets good for 9 months .... I gave them to my friend as I do not plan to EVER go there again ...

I laughed because ... The situation was beyond ridiculous, they looked like complete morons AND the movie wasn't even about lesbains! I mean... If you are aiming to insult people at least, get it right .... #2 I was annoyed that this happened in the first place ... Tell me, what is the point? What sort of "Fun" pastime is this? Are video games yesterdays news? But that's another matter ... I blame the theater of course ... Granted it isn't Broadway but come on ... How did 20+ screaming kids get into a screening already 40 mins in?

The theater I mainly go to now is very good ... They have cops everywhere and that is actually good ... If they see little gangs of kids walking around the lobby area or the valet parking area(yes, this one is the Egyptian Muvico one) they go up to them and if the little jerks don't have tickets they are kicked out ...

I mean, if Hollywood and theater owners want to start making a lot of money again instead od suffering another decline in sales next year then they need to fix this ... They need to be stricter with people ... I swear, if I ever get my dream Plasma TV I may hardly go to theaters and I usually love going to the movies ... Sigh ...

movies, idiots, manners

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