Friends Only? Only Partially ....

May 31, 2012 23:59

01/07/2008 - UPDATED

I think I will become like 
luke2 and change my FO Banner every month or so(love you Mo!) lol ....

Anyhow, this month? My NY Rangers take Center Stage because they are #1 Sports Loves!


I orginally didn't didn't plan on being ALL Friends Only BUT decided that it is truly best ... There are so many trolls and anons and just assholes out there looking to be jerks that I thought it was best to just completely lock my LJ ... However I mainly did it to get an excuse to do a pretty Friends Only Banner lol ...

I am such a banner whore aren't I?

Anyhow, If we already talk but I have been neglectful in friending you back(believe me, I am way forgetful) then drop me a comment, thanks!

xoxo I love you all <3

ETA : Since I decided to lock all my entries ... at least a few from before this one and then all of them after this one ... I just decided to lock them all .... I sometimes will post and lave an entry unlocked and then lock it .. so once again .. comment if you would like to be added is all .. But having something in common would help =)

What do we have in common you ask? Well follow the cut!

Ok if you read my "About Me" page and are still curious I shall go more indepth ...

Family & Friends:

They are #1 in my book.  I love my Mother, she's the most important person in my life.  She lives with me(yeah, I don't live with her, it's the other way around lol) ... My Mom is incredibly quirky and funny, so I guess just like me lol ...  Friends? They are like family to me and I love them!


I love FELINES! Seriously! I have 4 cats and they are my babies .... You will see me talk about them and their misadventures from time to time lol


My love and passion in sports is hockey and my team, the New York Rangers.  My pet peeve? Asshole fans who do nothing but bitch and complain even when things are going good because they are too immersed in their arrogance to see the big picture ... these people love to micro-manage and in truth? I feel that they like the team to fail so that they are proven "right" although it's the opposite ...

Anyhow I am not a hockey snub and respect fans of all teams even though I don't love all teams lol


I just love them! I am ubber picky but I love big event films where the theater is packed and everyone is excited ... like the LOTR films(Oh yeah, I went to Trilogy Tuesday and saw all 3 films back2back2back with 2 of my best gal pals and my mother ... lol it rocked ... last year the movie I had the MOST fun seeing was "Transformers" if you haven't see it then GET TO IT! But I also love small films, have you seen "Atonement" yet? You should!

Other Stuff:

I love swimming, it's awesome ... Sleeping ROCKS!  Making banners and playing with my layout .. I love the American Soap, General Hospital .... I used to be a tv addict but since Hockey came back from the lockout I've become a summer tv addict, not a Fall/Spring one lol

Anyhow, lots of other stuff too ... but this is a bit about me :)

lj, friends, friends only, banners, private

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