Is a CRAZY world out there ... Beware of WANG

Jul 19, 2006 22:54

Oh ... if anyone on my FList has not requested an Animal Stamp >>>
Then do so HERE, many still available ... =)

A bit of hockey ..  From SI.COM, this was TOO FUNNY not to post .. *giggle*

Long-suffering Islanders fans can be excused for suspecting that this is
a photo of new GM Garth Snow attempting to drink water.

I am a N.Y. Rangers hockey fan and so when something happens in the backyard of a rival team I do pay attention but what happened with the N.Y. Islanders yesterday was SO bizarre that it was disturbingly hilarious and not funny all at once ... Story is HERE but the gist of it? The Isles owner is determined to be a TREND SETTER in a sport that he admits to know VERY LITTLE about ... and as such is determined to make ALL important Hockey decisions for his team on gut feelings regardless of the advise of talented and KNOWLEDGABLE hockey people around him ... So he fires a GM that won a Stanley Cup with my babies(1994 BABY!) and turns around and replaces him with ... the backup goalie ???? Oh ho ho ho ... you read that right .. Garth Snow, who does have a business degree from college and has always been a subpar goalie and has absolutely NO experience in an N.H.L. front office position is now THE GM which on the Island just means that he will sign a lot of stuff, send a lot of emails and nod his head to convey that he agrees with whatever Wang wants to do .... Unreal ... Yet ... SO FUNNY! *cough*beagoodgirlorevilwillbefalyou*cough* ahem .. right ... moving on ...
In other hockey news .. Dominic Moore is no longer a N.Y. Ranger =( but the guy we traded him for is an upgrade so =) .... But I have a bone to pick with some Ranger fans who are so-called fans in-the-know and other fans who like to believe that they know more than others ...


Seriously!  All I have heard .. year after year after year after year is that the Rangers always trade away young stars, that we never have home grown talent, that we gave away future superstars Doug Weight, Tony Amonte and Sergei Zubov ... so now that the Rangers came out of last season with TWO bonafide future superstars(if they aren't already, specially Henrik) in Henrik Lundqvist and Petr Prucha they are all now throwing Prucha's name whenever any player of value seems to be available ...

Pronger wants a trade????

Give them Prucha ....

Havlat doesn't want to stay in Ottowa???

Hey, we have Prucha!

Devils can't possibly keep Gomez and Gionta !!!

Look, PRUCHA is available, take him!

ENOUGH!!! >_<

What the hell???  Prucha will only get better and that is my personal opinion but I think it is obvious ... He is thriving thanks to living with Jaromir and having Jags literally take him under his wing and not only help him with adjusting to life in North America, specially in NY, but life playing in the NHL and he bloosomed .. he is SO popular .. the fans LOVE him and I think that Sather has been able, due to the salary Cap, to control Dolan and not let him influence him by making stupid trades giving away our young stars for veterans .. Trading Prucha makes NO SENSE .. for who are you going to trade him when a bunch a talented YOUNG guys will be Unrestricted FA's next season and the Rangers WILL have room under the cap due to their smart spending(who would've thunk it) of the past two seasons ??? Prucha is $$$ in N.Y.  I am not an "expert" nor do I have direct lines to "insiders" but I think trading Prucha would be idiotic on several levels ... I am not saying that he is untouchable but the kid has one great season and just because we now have an asset all these guys(cause they are mostly guys saying all this crap) all the sudden want to cash in ... PISSES me OFF!

Ok ... just had to get that off my chest, I feel much better now ... I should open an LJ dedicated to just the Rangers but no time right now .. but then I might change my mind by the weekend lol ...

Talking about the weekend .. Madonna is coming to town .. oh yes .. Saturday and Sunday .. Do I have tickets ????

 Nope, I do not have tickets ... I saw her the last time she came which was in 2004 and we had GREAT seats ... We also got them on the day of the concert at the Arena B.O. so we will try to do this again this year because the shows are SOLD OUT and the tickets that aren't are being sold by scalpers at over $300 EACH and UP FAR AWAY .. last time we had great seats in the upper middle section, perfect view, in the front and it was $180 each ... So wish us(my best friend Nestor and I) luck on both dates ... if we do not get tickets for Saturday we will try again for her Sunday show ... On Saturday if plans do not go good then we will have a date with Captain Jack Sparrow =) we do come out winners anyways ...

Okis, tomorrow is Thursday which is my Friday at work so YAY ... off to sleep now =)

ny islanders, music, rant, weird, concert, petr prucha, players, hockey, ny rangers, madonna

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