Hmmm ....

Jul 15, 2006 16:55

As usual a slow go of it online on the weekends ...

But then again I am not online much on the weekends anyhow ... Today I do not have any plans, went out last night dancing to Macarena(which is a Latin Restuarant then turns into a Bar/Club after 11p) to celebrate a co-worker's Birthday, it was fun!

In hockey news, the 2006/2007 Schedule was released and my Rangers open the season at home VS the Washington Capitals on October 5th .... it will be very interesting as that will be the first game that Brendan Shanahan, Matt Cullen, and Aaron Ward play in a Rangers uniform ... Hopefully we start the season like we started last season, with a win, and the team can do it's Center Ice Salute ... I am not too happy that it's a game that features Ovechkin(for the Caps) not because I don't like him, because I do love him, but because OLN will probably choose THAT game to open up their Season due to the Ovechkin/Jagr star factor, unless they do the right thing and open up the season with the Hurricanes Stanley Cup Banner raising opening game on the 4th.

Talking about the Rangers, I have looked on LJ but there doesn't seem to be any LJ dedicated to them. I mean there is a couple but they seem to not be active at all ... I have been toying with the Idea of opening an LJ Community for them where it wouldn't just be news and moves being discussed but hopefully NYR Fans in the NY area or that go and see them in other States, can post personal pictures of meeting the guys or watching training or the warm-up and such .... so that would be cool .. plus talking about the team's hotness factor too ... lol ...


Then I have been toying with the idea that perhaps and ezboard would be better cause it has forums where you can divide, you know, news on the Team, the Farm Club, Other NHL teams/players and it has a live chat thingie for game nights ... what to do =P  Maybe nothing? Who knows ...

I just get really annoyed posting at certain Ranger boards where some guys act as if they are more knowledgable than the Professionals playing the game ... just annoys me ...

I know that some of you guys aren't hockey crazy like me ... but do you think an LJ is better than an EzBoard?

Okis ... I shall go now .. I want to continue to customize my layout by adding more stuff to my sidebar =)

lj, layout, dancing, message boards, hockey

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