Jan 05, 2005 17:36
Wow what a day! I think this has been by far the longest day of my life. Well today in first period, we didn't do anything.. like usal. Gosh, the last two years i have been lucky and have language arts teachers that don't like to teach, but watch.. next year I will have a hell teacher. watch. Well in 2nd we did a lab which was point less. All's we had to do was get a 2in. x 3in. peice of clay. make a design in it, then wheigh its mass. Then Mr. King (which by the way, me and aaron blew up over newyears break with him drawn on a peice of paper, lol) is going to fire it in a kelm(sp?) and then we have to weighs its mass again, and see what % of the clay was water. In third mr. g just started teaching a new lesson, nothing really big, it just sucked because we werent allowed to get on the computers today. Then in fourth in spanish we just learned about colors and clothing types. Then in world history (which btw i failed but luckly am back in the same class) we took some notes and watched a movie about the aztechs. Then in 6th period we took some notes and had to do a worksheet. nothing really big happened today but i am so use to sleeping in late, going to bed late.. i really need to go to bed earlier, lol. Then when i got home drank some coke, ate some life savers, then watched two movies, idk what one was called but it was a weird movie with john travolta (sp?) and the other was called Live in Bagdahad. Wow good movie. Other then that really BORING day. Everyone have a good day tomorrow and talk to everyone in the AM.