graphic courtesy garvaldmains Please click the above link for more information about Autism and Autism Spectrum disorders. This is something that hits very close to home for me, as my son, Karl, has Asperger's Syndrome, an Autism Spectrum disorder.
His was not diagnosed until he was 16, which made school a living hell for him. He was misdiagnosed as having ADD in Kindergarten (UGH!), and every doctor he ever saw never questioned it. He's smart, sweet, loves to read, and can name just about every Pokemon ever created, what they do, what they evolve to. He also loves dragons (see previous posts on here). You wouldn't know he's 24, though, his maturity sometimes seems frozen at 15.
My son:
We were at a wedding, so I was actually able to get him dressed up! (he hates shirts with collars and buttons)
Awareness is SO essential. One of my online friends has a young son with Autism, only recently diagnosed. He behaves well when out, but at home...not so much. She told me he as every symptom on that list in the link, but yet he was denied SSI benefits because 'his symptoms were not severe enough.'