Title: Finding My True Self
Genre: Drama, Fluff
Rating: G
Pairings: JongKey
Summary: This is just a drabble about Key just figuring himself out. Prompt :
Key at a NeYo concert.Disclaimer: I don't own Key...if I did...no one would know. XD SM owns him, his parents own him, he owns himself...Maybe Jonghyun owns him who knows. :D
It was a raining day in Seoul. Key found out that an American R&B artist was having a concert. He thought he would go see it. He needed a pick me upper since life has been dull. He's been smiling for the cameras, but in the back of his mind, something just didn't seem right. He didn't know what it was. Then again he's very tired. His schedule is so hectic, it's hard for him to get sleep sometimes. Also, he's called the 'umma' of the group.
Anyways back to the concert. Key called up one of his good friends from one of the girl groups. After that, he had two tickets and went to the concert. He still didn't feel like himself. Yeah he was enjoying the concert immensely, but that doesn't mean anything. This was now bothering him. How could he enjoy the concert and have a facial expression of sadness. His friend looked over at him.
"Is everything okay," she mouthed.
Key just looked over at her and smiled.
Usually when he is with other artists, he is all smiles, but today he's just blah. After the concert ended, he went home. He saw the other 4 members. That made him happy. Onew was just sitting at the counter reading the newspaper. Taemin was sitting next to Onew doing his homework. Minho was sitting on the floor in front of the television playing some kind of game. Jonghyun was just relaxing on the couch. Key walked over to Jonghyun and tapped him on the shoulder. Jonghyun looked up and saw Key. Key motioned for Jonghyun to follow him. Key started walking back towards their shared room and Jonghyun followed.
When they got to the shared room, Key sat on his bed. Jonghyun came in and closed the door. Jonghyun then walked over to Key and sat next to him.
"Kibummie. What's wrong?"
Key just looked at Jonghyun and said nothing. He then scooted closer to the older male. Jonghyun put his arm around the youngers waist. Key then put his head on Jonghyun's shoulder. They stayed like that for a few minutes. There was just peace and quiet. Jonghyun was kind of worried. Key never acts like this.
"Kibummie. What is wrong with you?"
Key looked up at Jonghyun. He just stared at the older male. He looked like he was about to cry but he didn't want to cry in front of his hyung.
"Jjongie..Is SHINee ever going to perform as 5 again?"
"Of course. Why would you think we wouldn't?"
"I don't know."
Jonghyun knew that wasn't what Key wanted to say. He knew something else was up.
"Kibum, what's really on your mind?"
"I think I like a friend of mine."
Jonghyun just looked up and away from Key. Jonghyun has been having feelings for the younger recently. He didn't want to tell Key though since they were in the process of preparing for a new album. Jonghyun did want to know who Key was talking about though.
"Who is it?"
"Well, he's a guy, but I know I'm not gay or bi. I'm straight."
"Uh huh. Well when did you first start to like him?"
"A few months ago."
"Ah. What is his name."
Key looked up at the older male. It's now or never he thought.
Key scooted closer to the older. He then looked up and kissed Jonghyun on the lips. It wasn't very long. It was just a quick peck. Then Key stood up and walked out of the room.
Jonghyun could not believe what just happened.
A/N: Hey!! This is my first drabble. I thought I would write it while I was in between chapters for my two stories. I hope this is good. Please do comment and tell me what you think.